[Haskell-cafe] In-place modification
Sebastian Sylvan
sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 08:01:10 EDT 2007
On 15/07/07, Sebastian Sylvan <sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/07/07, Hugh Perkins <hughperkins at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 7/15/07, Sebastian Sylvan <sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I don't see what the point of this is? Why do timings of different
> > > algorithms? Of course you could do the same optimization in any
> > > language, so why do you think it's relevant to change the algorithm in
> > > *one* of the languages and then make comparisons?
> > >
> >
> > Sebastien,
> >
> > Well, as you yourself said, different languages work differently, so there's
> > no point in trying to directly implement the C# algorithm in Haskell: it
> > just wont work, or it will be slow. The same works from Haskell to C#.
> >
> > So, you guys are Haskell experts, show the world what Haskell is capable of.
> > Come up with algorithms to calculate prime numbers in Haskell that are:
> > - safe
> > - easy to understand/read/maintain
> > - fast
> >
> > I'll ditch the "sieve of arastophenes" rule if you like. Use any algorithm
> > you like. Now that is fair I think?
> >
> > I in turn will do my part to keep the C# version a step ahead of the Haskell
> > version. It seems this is pretty easy :-D
> Try this one then. I removed the unsafe reads...
> Still, I think youre methodology sucks. If you want to compare
> languages you should implement the same algorithm. Dons implemented a
> Haskell version of your C++ algorithm, even though it wasn't optimal.
> He didn't go off an implement some state-of-the-art primes algorithm
> that was completey different now did he?
> If this is about comparing languages, you should compare them fairly.
> {-# OPTIONS -O2 -fbang-patterns #-}
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Data.Array.ST
> import Data.Array.Base
> import System
> import Control.Monad
> import System.Time
> import System.Locale
> main = do starttime <- getClockTime
> let numberOfPrimes = (pureSieve 17984)
> putStrLn( "number of primes: " ++ show( numberOfPrimes ) )
> endtime <- getClockTime
> let timediff = diffClockTimes endtime starttime
> let secondsfloat = realToFrac( tdSec timediff ) +
> realToFrac(tdPicosec timediff) / 1000000000000
> putStrLn( "Elapsed time: " ++ show(secondsfloat) )
> return ()
> pureSieve :: Int -> Int
> pureSieve n = runST( sieve n )
> sieve n = do
> a <- newArray (2,n) True :: ST s (STUArray s Int Bool) -- an array of Bool
> go a n 2 0
> go !a !m !n !c
> | n == m = return c
> | otherwise = do
> e <- readArray a n
> if e then let loop !j
> | j < m = do
> writeArray a j False
> loop (j+n)
> | otherwise = go a m (n+1) (c+1)
> in loop (n * n)
> else go a m (n+1) c
> --
> Sebastian Sylvan
> +44(0)7857-300802
> UIN: 44640862
This will fail for large inputs btw, since there are only 32 bits in
an int.. This version makes sure it doesn't try to square something
which would go cause an int overflow:
{-# OPTIONS -O2 -fbang-patterns #-}
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import System
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import System.Time
import System.Locale
main = do starttime <- getClockTime
let numberOfPrimes = (pureSieve 17984)
putStrLn( "number of primes: " ++ show( numberOfPrimes ) )
endtime <- getClockTime
let timediff = diffClockTimes endtime starttime
let secondsfloat = realToFrac( tdSec timediff ) +
realToFrac(tdPicosec timediff) / 1000000000000
putStrLn( "Elapsed time: " ++ show(secondsfloat) )
return ()
pureSieve :: Int -> Int
pureSieve n = runST( sieve n )
sieve n = do
a <- newArray (2,n) True :: ST s (STUArray s Int Bool) -- an array of Bool
go a n 2 0
go !a !m !n !c
| n == m = return c
| otherwise = do
e <- readArray a n
if e then let loop !j
| j < m = do
writeArray a j False
loop (j+n)
| otherwise = go a m (n+1) (c+1)
in loop ( if n < 46340 then n * n else n `shiftL` 1)
else go a m (n+1) c
My GHC compiler is broken, I only have GHCi, but this is about twice
for me as fast as the previous version you benchmarked, btw.
Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
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