[Haskell-cafe] Ideas

Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 25 15:49:02 EDT 2007

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
> I tried vital, and at first sight it is very nice, but they only support a
> very limited subset of Haskell, perform no type checking at all, don't
> support the indent rule, etc... Anyway it is an amazing piece of work.
> Regarding your question about visual programming, GEM Cutter from the Open
> Quark Framework is also nice. http://labs.businessobjects.com/cal. But they
> also wrote their own Haskell98 (with some Hugs extension) compiler in...
> Java.
> Cheers,
> Peter Verswyvelen

Vital seems to have a really damn nice concept behind it. The visuals 
don't look quite so hot though... ;-)

If I could figure out how to do the whole "drag boxes around, draw 
lines" stuff with Gtk2hs, I might have a go at bettering this myself... 
but that's unlikely.

GEM Cutter also falls into the category of "hey, that's interesting, I 
should go find out about this stuff..." ;-)

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