Installing syb(-0.1.03) package in head version of Haskell

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Wed Feb 24 07:14:19 EST 2010

On 24/02/2010 11:35, Christian Maeder wrote:
> Simon Marlow schrieb:
>>>> Both Cabal and ghc-pkg explicitly use UTF-8 for handling .cabal and
>>>> package configuration files, so if you end up with a Latin-1 file in
>>>> your package database then something has gone wrong.  If anyone can
>>>> reproduce this problem then please submit a ticket.
>>> Indeed, I have a latin-1 file
>>> /local/maeder/lib/ghc-6.13.20100211/package.conf.d/syb-
>>> ISO-8859 English text
>>> and my (accidental) setting is:
>>> LANG=de_DE at euro
>>> LC_ALL=C
>> And you got that by just 'cabal install syb'?  What version of
>> cabal-install?  (cabal --version)
> No, just by the Setup, configure, build, install procedure.
> "ghc-pkg describe syb" and "ghc-pkg dump" create UTF-8 output.

Aha, I think I see where the bug is. Thanks folks, we'll have it fixed 
in 6.12.2.  In the meantime you should use a UTF-8 locale, eg. 


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