Problem with ghc on Windows ME

Derek Elkins ddarius at
Tue Jan 27 03:03:17 EST 2004

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:16:21 -0300 (CLST)
"andrew cooke" <andrew at> wrote:

> i am using win2k too.  i've forwarded your message to the person with
> the problem.
> but we already know that the problem is not restricted to unlit.  he
> cannot compile a simple "hello world" in a plain .hs file (see my
> first email).

Well, what's the -v output for the "hello world" file?  In a nutshell,
what's all the information that could be provided that might possibly be
useful and does anything go wrong doing the things GHC is attempting to
do directly.  Finally, if it's not necessary to use 6.2, try 6.0.1.

> is there any way to raise this as a bug so that someone involved with
> ghc finds a suitable machine and solves the problem?  it's not just my
> client that's having problems - someone else here has reported
> something similar.
> sorry if i seem a little frayed, but it's not cool to send software to
> someone only to find that they can't compile because ghc doesn't work
> on a platform it is advertised to support.  i know that ghc is a
> largely voluntary effort, but they've still got more resources than
> me...

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