[ghc-steering-committee] #380 GHC2021: Voting starts
Cale Gibbard
cgibbard at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 20:22:52 UTC 2020
Hi! Sorry I missed this thread somehow!
AllowAmbiguousTypes: no
I think this one is mostly okay, but not as a default.
ApplicativeDo: no
My take on this is that either you care about how your computations
decompose into Applicative/Monad operations or you don't. In the first
case, you probably don't want ApplicativeDo because it's basically
unpredictable, and in the second, you probably don't mind having
everything in terms of (>>=).
Arrows: no
Arrow syntax needs work before it will be more useful, and it's not
used often enough as it stands.
BangPatterns: yes
This is useful and wanted commonly enough to warrant making default. I
much preferred it in its original form before it could turn `let` into
`case`, but it's good.
BinaryLiterals: yes
Why not?
BlockArguments: maybe
I don't care so much one way or the other on this one. Personally, I
don't mind writing the $ before a block, and I haven't looked into
what contortions were needed to implement this. Obviously now GHC
supports both anyway, so we've already paid whatever cost was
CApiFFI: maybe
The only reason this isn't a "yes" is that I don't know if this
impacts the build pipeline or performance of compilation at all. If it
only causes an impact when it actually gets used, I see no harm in
turning it on by default.
CPP: no
I like this extension, but it's better to have some indication that
it's in use on a per-file basis.
CUSKs: no
This is already legacy.
ConstrainedClassMethods: yes
As far as I can tell, this removes a restriction that served no
purpose to begin with.
ConstraintKinds: yes
You need to import the Constraint kind to use it anyway. Might as well
make it work when you do.
DataKinds: no
I don't want this lifting happening automatically everywhere prior to
having Dependent Haskell really figured out. This also worsens various
error messages for beginners as well. I think it's fair enough to turn
it on when you really want it -- I'd actually prefer it was on a
per-declaration basis myself.
DatatypeContexts: no
The context this enables is pointless and doesn't do what anyone would
reasonably expect the first time they saw it.
DefaultSignatures: yes
This harms very little and enables some very good idioms when it comes
to classes of monads specifically (i.e. you can provide defaults which
lift through a transformer in the case that the monad is a transformer
application, and never have to fill in instances manually apart from
the one transformer that implements the features properly.)
DeriveAnyClass: no
This is dangerous to have on by default. I would support it being
available by default when using the DerivingStrategies syntax though.
DeriveDataTypeable: yes
The name of this extension is no longer appropriate, as Typeable no
longer needs to be derived. Still, if I derive Data, I'd like that to
just work without having to tell GHC that yes, I really do mean it.
DeriveFoldable: yes
DeriveFunctor: yes
DeriveGeneric: yes
DeriveTraversable: yes
Similar to the above.
DeriveLift: maybe
I think this should be enabled by TemplateHaskell, but I don't think
TemplateHaskell should be default on.
DerivingStrategies: yes
I don't use this enough as it is, since it's usually not worth writing
out an additional LANGUAGE pragma for, but it's really good for
clarity about where the instances are coming from.
DerivingVia: yes
This is also excellent and seems harmless to turn on by default.
DisambiguateRecordFields: no
DuplicateRecordFields: no
I consider these actively harmful and I wish they'd go away.
EmptyCase: yes
EmptyDataDecls: yes
EmptyDataDeriving: yes
These are pretty meh, but I don't see much reason to have GHC complain
about empty types and make people flip the switch.
ExistentialQuantification: yes
Syntactically distinguished and sometimes quite useful. Not sure if we
need the non-GADT syntax, but there's little harm in it.
ExplicitForAll: yes
I mean, I'm going to vote yes on GADTs, so...
ExplicitNamespaces: maybe
I'd want this turned on if TypeOperators ends up turned on, but I'm
voting no on TypeOperators.
ExtendedDefaultRules: no
This extension is only for GHCi imo.
FlexibleContexts: yes
Having to turn this on is obnoxious, and perhaps one of the reasons we
want to define GHC2021 in the first place.
FlexibleInstances: yes
Similarly to FlexibleContexts, but very slightly more controversial
perhaps. The only arguments against this I'm aware of have to do with
issues surrounding functional dependencies that should be solved
separately (and blamed on functional dependencies in the first place).
ForeignFunctionInterface: no
I wouldn't be against turning this on by default, but also the need
for doing so is rare, and I'm uncertain about whether flipping this
switch induces overhead in the build. I also see no harm in making
users turn it on explicitly.
FunctionalDependencies: yes
Oof, this would have been a solid "yes" from me at any point before
last week, but now I'm really fighting with myself on this one. I
think we can fix the issues with fundeps, but there are some really
fun issues right now. Still, I think they're a vital enough part of
how programming gets done in modern Haskell, and it's easy enough to
tell when they're being used.
GADTSyntax: yes
GADTs: yes
GADTs are just inside where I draw the line on fancy types right now.
I just keep discovering new practical applications for them (they're
really good for encoding the types of responses to APIs, for
instance). The syntax is also distinct enough that toggling it on
isn't going to cause confusion.
GHCForeignImportPrim: maybe
I don't know what this is.
GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: yes
My argument for this one is just that it's so often desirable. All the
stuff with roles we needed in order to make it not possible to break
things with it is still a little rough, but this is a key component of
being able to lean on the type system and get things done without
wasting massive amounts of time.
HexFloatLiterals: yes
Sure, why not? Seems a natural extension of the syntax for hexadecimal
literals to allow this, and I can imagine numerical algorithms people
wanting it.
ImplicitParams: no
I don't outright *hate* ImplicitParams, but I don't love the extension
either, and I want the fair warning when people turn this on.
ImportQualifiedPost: yes
This is a bit controversial in my own head, but while I'd never turn
this extension on manually or actually suggest that people implement
it, I do really think that "import Foo qualified" reads a whole lot
better and would be handled by tools better (easier to sort imports!).
It's sort of the way that the syntax always should have been, so maybe
let's turn it on and move in that direction!
ImpredicativeTypes: no
This might have been fixed in modern GHC with the new developments,
but I don't have enough evidence that it's safe to turn this on. It's
been in a state of brokenness on and off for so long that I'd hesitate
to encourage people to use it. Maybe in GHC2026 or something.
IncoherentInstances: no
Obviously not.
InstanceSigs: yes
Can be really good for readability. If this didn't exist, I'd often be
writing those signatures as comments anyway, and it's good to have the
compiler check them and make sure that my impression of the type is
InterruptibleFFI: maybe
I do kind of feel that FFI ought to just turn this one on by itself,
but I'm not sure about the implications of toggling FFI on everywhere.
KindSignatures: yes
I don't see any harm in this being on.
LambdaCase: yes
I rather like LambdaCase and use it a fair amount myself, but I'm also
not sure it's definitely the ideal syntax in the long run? Still, I
use it enough that having this on by default is better than not for
LexicalNegation: no
While the name is suggestive of what this is, it's not currently
documented in the latest GHC User's Guide. Also, I'm not a huge fan of
fiddling with how negation works -- it's ugly, but let it be one kind
of ugly rather than several kinds of ugly.
LiberalTypeSynonyms: yes
This just corrects a mistake in the specification, as far as I'm concerned.
LinearTypes: no
MagicHash: no
The purpose of this extension is to be explicitly and manually enabled
to provide access to internals. It shouldn't even be up for voting.
MonadComprehensions: no
It kind of pains me to say no here. If it was just the simple version
without the weird grouping shenanigans, I would be voting yes, since
there's not a whole lot of reason to make the syntax only work with
lists. TransformListComp is kind of baroque and confusing though, and
it's currently implied by this.
MonadFailDesugaring: yes
At least, until we get rid of this temporary extension altogether,
this is already default.
MonoLocalBinds: yes
I *really* wish this were not required to make TypeFamilies and GADTs
work, but it is.
MultiParamTypeClasses: yes
These have been a staple forever now.
MultiWayIf: maybe
This should probably be handled however we end up handling LambdaCase.
I occasionally use it, but less than LambdaCase. It's probably fine if
it remains a manually-toggled extension.
NPlusKPatterns: no
Having these off has been the status quo for a long time. While
there'll always be a place in my heart for c*n+k patterns, it's easy
to understand why this should not be turned on.
NamedFieldPuns: no
Better than RecordWildCards, but still awkward to shadow like that,
and I still want fair warning of usage.
NamedWildCards: yes
This makes tools like ghcid more useful, even though it shouldn't
significantly impact final programs.
NegativeLiterals: maybe
More fussing about the lexical syntax of negation. I'm not sure about
this one. It's probably fine.
NoImplicitPrelude: no
NoMonomorphismRestriction: yes
I've never once had the MR make my life easier or better, but I have
wasted at least a few hours over the past couple decades in
frustration due to something that it quietly decided should be
NoPatternGuards: no
Weird double negative here. Pattern guards are good and should stay on.
NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: no
Too disruptive to disable this, and while I can imagine better uses
for the syntax it occupies, traditional record syntax isn't really
that bad.
NondecreasingIndentation: no
As far as I'm concerned, it was a mistake for Haskell2010 to change
this, let's revert the mistake. Helping people indent their code in a
less clear way is bad. Having a nested do-block indented to the same
place as the enclosing one is *extremely* frustrating to encounter
when reading unfamiliar code.
NullaryTypeClasses: no
As much of a fan I usually am of handling the zero case, this one
really is pretty awkward, and I don't think it's all that bad to
require the pragma to turn it on first.
NumDecimals: no
Not documented in a released GHC, so no. But what is this?
NumericUnderscores: yes
I can see why someone might want them, but they also look pretty
awkward. I've never used them, but this also seems harmless.
OverlappingInstances: no
Overlapping instances are bad in essentially any case that doesn't
involve hiding the class, and when you use them, you're probably
better off with the per-instance pragmas anyway.
OverloadedLabels: no
Oof, all the stuff that has cropped up surrounding record syntax is so
painful. None of it should default to on at the very least.
OverloadedLists: no
This extension is probably fine, but it's rare enough that I'd like
the extra warning that list literals are not literally lists.
OverloadedStrings: yes
Kind of essential. We use Data.Text everywhere in our applications,
and this is basically mandatory for that. Feels kind of funny to vote
differently between this and OverloadedLists, but there you go.
PackageImports: maybe
Don't hate this, but also don't use it enough to care.
ParallelListComp: no
Kind of strange and very uncommon.
PartialTypeSignatures: no
I like using holes in types sometimes, but I *usually* don't want to
leave those holes in my code. In the cases where I might want to,
having to flip the switch seems okay.
PatternSynonyms: no
This extension has a bunch of rough edges still, and I'm still
hesitant to encourage its use until those get hammered out.
PolyKinds: yes
Having this turned off can result in extremely confusing errors when
poly-kinded terms are imported and used.
PostfixOperators: no
Nobody uses this, it's basically frivolous.
QualifiedDo: no
This is too new to turn on by default. Maybe part of GHC2026.
QuantifiedConstraints: yes
This has been around for a few versions and has been very successful in my view.
QuasiQuotes: no
TH probably shouldn't be on by default.
RankNTypes: yes
You might not need these every day, but I think there's no harm in
having the compiler accept these types when the programmer writes
RebindableSyntax: no
Knowing when this is in use explicitly is helpful, since it could
otherwise be quite startling, or even help sneak malicious code into
RecordWildCards: no
Although there are some rather nice idioms that this makes possible,
generally things which bind variables without mentioning them and
things which force you to shadow variables are not great.
RecursiveDo: yes
Could we just have rec without mdo perhaps?
RoleAnnotations: no
I'm not yet convinced that roles are the right solution to the problem
that they solve.
Safe: no
This is a user flag. Should not be in this list.
ScopedTypeVariables: yes
Right now, this is almost mandatory. There are details about how it
works that I think should perhaps not stay the way they are forever,
but it's too inconvenient to have this off.
StandaloneDeriving: yes
This is fairly common and good. Maybe deriving should always have been
StandaloneKindSignatures: yes
This seems uncontroversial so long as TypeFamilies ends up being on as well.
StarIsType: yes
Too much code needs this still, and it doesn't require extra imports
to use, so in practice, it's still quite convenient.
StaticPointers: no
Too obscure, and the only time I've seen this used in one of our
projects, it ended up seeming like a bit of a mistake to have done so
(not to say that it doesn't have legitimate uses as well, just that
they're pretty rare).
Strict: no
If this becomes default, I quit.
StrictData: no
Better to be explicit.
TemplateHaskell: no
TemplateHaskellQuotes: no
I don't really think TH should be on by default. It would be worth
figuring out if it has any impact on compilation time when switched on
and unused though.
TransformListComp: no
I've never seen anyone put this to use.
Trustworthy: no
This is meant to be explicit. Shouldn't be up for debate.
TupleSections: yes
I usually don't use this, but I might on occasion if it were turned on
by default, and it seems a natural thing to expect from the language.
TypeApplications: yes
This one I'm less sure about than many of the other
type-system-related ones, as those mostly don't steal syntax. This
doesn't steal *too* much syntax though, and when you need it, it's
quite handy. I don't like the way that TypeApplications works even
when types were not explicitly quantified, but that ship has basically
TypeFamilies: yes
This is one of those "might not be around forever" extensions that
still occupies an important enough place in modern-day Haskell that I
think it should get turned on by default for now.
TypeFamilyDependencies: no
This extension of type families has only seen quite rare use thus far,
and it doesn't feel entirely complete.
TypeInType: yes
This makes things work better across the board, at least for now.
There's an obvious downside to it, but until we're really going to
start caring about termination, it's not a huge deal.
TypeOperators: no
I wish this could be turned on only for :~: -- perhaps it's worth
turning on just for the sake of that type, but otherwise, I prefer to
encourage people to write their type constructors prefix, for the most
part. I'm not sure about this one.
TypeSynonymInstances: yes
Doesn't seem like there's any harm in unfolding type synonyms before
checking if the instance is otherwise valid.
UnboxedSums: maybe
UnboxedTuples: maybe
I don't really have a strong feeling one way or the other about
whether these are on or off by default. On the one hand, it seems fine
to enable the syntax, on the other, it has a bit of the same feeling
as auto-enabling MagicHash (though less so). Usually when you get to
this point, you're fine-tuning code, and flipping a manual switch is
no problem.
UndecidableInstances: no
I'm tempted to say yes on this, but there are some cases right now
where instead of actually not terminating in the face of undecidable
instances, GHC will come to a loopy conclusion in finite time. Maybe
sometimes that's essential (I seem to recall a case involving scrap
your bopilerplate), but it also means we end up with a way to subvert
any functional dependency, for example:
class C a b | a -> b where ...
instance (C Int b) => C Int b where ...
There are also cases where you didn't mean for an instance to be
undecidable, and this catches you, so perhaps it's good to leave it
off by default.
UndecidableSuperClasses: maybe
I have less explicit reason to disallow this than
UndecidableInstances, though it does feel weird to come to a different
conclusion on it, and there may be downsides that I'm unaware of. I'll
leave this as maybe.
UnicodeSyntax: no
I like being able to type all my identifiers without special editor support.
UnliftedFFITypes: maybe
If FFI is turned on by default, then this should be, but I'm not sure
FFI has any place being turned on by default.
UnliftedNewtypes: no
This seems kind of new to enable by default. Seems natural enough that
if someone writes an unlifted newtype to just accept their declaration
though. Also, all stuff involving syntax with "#" in it I think is
fine to leave as a flag.
Unsafe: no
This is explicitly a flag and we shouldn't even be voting on it.
ViewPatterns: no
The results of using this are usually hard to read. Sometimes in
conjunction with PatternSynonyms it can be used to build nice syntax,
but it can be turned on explicitly in those moments, I think.
On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 04:34, Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de> wrote:
> Dear Committee,
> the requested data (hackage and survey) is in, has been aggregated,
> cooked, seasoned and is ready for consumption. 116 extensions are
> waiting on your assessment, so time to vote!
> ## Procedure
> Please vote by email to this list, in a response to this thread.
> I want to make tallying easy and automatic, and my code will consider
> an extension Foo voted for if you write "Foo: yes" on its own line.
> This means you can include rationales, write "Foo: maybe" and "Foo: no"
> to remind yourself and others that about where you are, and you can
> safely quote other’s mails. For example, if you write:
> ---- begin
> example ----
> Easy ones:
> DeriveFooBar: yes
> OverloadedBen: no
> These ones are tricky:
> ImplicitExceptions: yes
> I know nobody likes that one, but I do.
> RandomEvaluationOrder: maybe
> Not sure about this one, here is why…
> > Richard wrote:
> > DependentHaskell: yes
> > Rationale: See my thesis
> I’m not convinced yet, tell me more, so
> DependentHaskell: maybe
> ---- end example ----
> then you have voted for DeriveFooBar and ImplicitExceptions. Only “yes”
> matters, “no”, “maybe” and “later” are all ignored.
> I will shortly send my first ballot around. Also see the end of this
> mail for a copy’n’paste template.
> You can update your vote as often as you want. Please always send your
> full votes (I will only consider your latest email). I encourage you to
> do that early, e.g. maybe start with a mail where you list the obvious
> yes and nos, and keep some at maybe and then refine.
> The timeline says first votes should be in within two weeks, and then a
> bit more to refine. But the earlier the merrier!
> The quota is 8. In particular, if everyone votes (and I hope everyone
> will), an extension won’t make it this round if 4 don’t include it.
> ## Data
> Please see
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/ghc2021/proposals/0000-ghc2021.rst#data
> for the data, including explanations. It is intentionally not sorted by
> the data, as the choice of ranking function would already be quite
> influencing.
> You may want to play around with that data, e.g. sort it by your own
> criteria etc. I looked long for an online service where I can upload
> the data and allow you to explore it, but then I noticed that that's a
> bit stupid, since we all probably can do it best with Haskell.
> So I made it easy to load the data into GHCi, see the instructions at
> https://github.com/nomeata/ghc-proposals-stats/blob/master/ext-stats/README.md
> which allow you, for example, to do this
> *Main> mapM_ (\E{..} -> Text.Printf.printf "%s: %d\n" ext survey_no) $ take 10 $ reverse $ sortOn (\E{..} -> survey_no) (M.elems exts)
> AllowAmbiguousTypes: 195
> CPP: 192
> IncoherentInstances: 176
> Arrows: 156
> Strict: 153
> ImplicitParams: 147
> UndecidableInstances: 144
> OverlappingInstances: 144
> Unsafe: 139
> TemplateHaskell: 137
> Of course, if someone wants to upload the data somewhere and share
> that, that's also useful.
> Let me know if some of this doesn't quite work for you, and should be
> improved. Maybe we need a web form instead of mails?
> ## PS: Blank ballot
> To start, you could copy the following into an email
> AllowAmbiguousTypes: maybe
> ApplicativeDo: maybe
> Arrows: maybe
> BangPatterns: maybe
> BinaryLiterals: maybe
> BlockArguments: maybe
> CApiFFI: maybe
> CPP: maybe
> CUSKs: maybe
> ConstrainedClassMethods: maybe
> ConstraintKinds: maybe
> DataKinds: maybe
> DatatypeContexts: maybe
> DefaultSignatures: maybe
> DeriveAnyClass: maybe
> DeriveDataTypeable: maybe
> DeriveFoldable: maybe
> DeriveFunctor: maybe
> DeriveGeneric: maybe
> DeriveLift: maybe
> DeriveTraversable: maybe
> DerivingStrategies: maybe
> DerivingVia: maybe
> DisambiguateRecordFields: maybe
> DuplicateRecordFields: maybe
> EmptyCase: maybe
> EmptyDataDecls: maybe
> EmptyDataDeriving: maybe
> ExistentialQuantification: maybe
> ExplicitForAll: maybe
> ExplicitNamespaces: maybe
> ExtendedDefaultRules: maybe
> FlexibleContexts: maybe
> FlexibleInstances: maybe
> ForeignFunctionInterface: maybe
> FunctionalDependencies: maybe
> GADTSyntax: maybe
> GADTs: maybe
> GHCForeignImportPrim: maybe
> GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: maybe
> HexFloatLiterals: maybe
> ImplicitParams: maybe
> ImportQualifiedPost: maybe
> ImpredicativeTypes: maybe
> IncoherentInstances: maybe
> InstanceSigs: maybe
> InterruptibleFFI: maybe
> KindSignatures: maybe
> LambdaCase: maybe
> LexicalNegation: maybe
> LiberalTypeSynonyms: maybe
> LinearTypes: maybe
> MagicHash: maybe
> MonadComprehensions: maybe
> MonadFailDesugaring: maybe
> MonoLocalBinds: maybe
> MultiParamTypeClasses: maybe
> MultiWayIf: maybe
> NPlusKPatterns: maybe
> NamedFieldPuns: maybe
> NamedWildCards: maybe
> NegativeLiterals: maybe
> NoImplicitPrelude: maybe
> NoMonomorphismRestriction: maybe
> NoPatternGuards: maybe
> NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: maybe
> NondecreasingIndentation: maybe
> NullaryTypeClasses: maybe
> NumDecimals: maybe
> NumericUnderscores: maybe
> OverlappingInstances: maybe
> OverloadedLabels: maybe
> OverloadedLists: maybe
> OverloadedStrings: maybe
> PackageImports: maybe
> ParallelListComp: maybe
> PartialTypeSignatures: maybe
> PatternSynonyms: maybe
> PolyKinds: maybe
> PostfixOperators: maybe
> QualifiedDo: maybe
> QuantifiedConstraints: maybe
> QuasiQuotes: maybe
> RankNTypes: maybe
> RebindableSyntax: maybe
> RecordWildCards: maybe
> RecursiveDo: maybe
> RoleAnnotations: maybe
> Safe: maybe
> ScopedTypeVariables: maybe
> StandaloneDeriving: maybe
> StandaloneKindSignatures: maybe
> StarIsType: maybe
> StaticPointers: maybe
> Strict: maybe
> StrictData: maybe
> TemplateHaskell: maybe
> TemplateHaskellQuotes: maybe
> TransformListComp: maybe
> Trustworthy: maybe
> TupleSections: maybe
> TypeApplications: maybe
> TypeFamilies: maybe
> TypeFamilyDependencies: maybe
> TypeInType: maybe
> TypeOperators: maybe
> TypeSynonymInstances: maybe
> UnboxedSums: maybe
> UnboxedTuples: maybe
> UndecidableInstances: maybe
> UndecidableSuperClasses: maybe
> UnicodeSyntax: maybe
> UnliftedFFITypes: maybe
> UnliftedNewtypes: maybe
> Unsafe: maybe
> ViewPatterns: maybe
> --
> Joachim Breitner
> mail at joachim-breitner.de
> http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
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