[ghc-steering-committee] #380 GHC2021: Voting starts

Vitaly Bragilevsky bravit111 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 10:14:09 UTC 2020


Following the discussions I've decided to update my vote:

-- Updates:
ConstrainedClassMethods: yes
ForeignFunctionInterface: yes
NamedWildCards: yes
OverloadedLists: yes
OverloadedStrings: yes
PolyKinds: yes
PostfixOperators: yes
MonoLocalBinds: yes

-- The rest goes without changes
-- Definitely 'yes'

InstanceSigs: yes
-- I have a special feeling about this one,
-- it is extremely helpful when teaching

BangPatterns: yes
BinaryLiterals: yes
NegativeLiterals: yes
HexFloatLiterals: yes
NumericUnderscores: yes
DeriveDataTypeable: yes
DeriveFoldable: yes
DeriveFunctor: yes
DeriveGeneric: yes
DeriveLift: yes
DeriveTraversable: yes
DerivingStrategies: yes
DerivingVia: yes
GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: yes
EmptyCase: yes
EmptyDataDecls: yes
EmptyDataDeriving: yes
ExplicitForAll: yes
ConstraintKinds: yes
DataKinds: yes
FlexibleContexts: yes
FlexibleInstances: yes
GADTSyntax: yes
GADTs: yes
ImportQualifiedPost: yes
MultiParamTypeClasses: yes
NamedFieldPuns: yes
RankNTypes: yes
RecordWildCards: yes
ScopedTypeVariables: yes
StandaloneDeriving: yes
StarIsType: yes
TupleSections: yes
TypeApplications: yes
TypeFamilies: yes
TypeOperators: yes
TypeSynonymInstances: yes
ViewPatterns: yes
KindSignatures: yes
LambdaCase: yes
MonadFailDesugaring: yes

-- Not now

AllowAmbiguousTypes: no
ApplicativeDo: no
Arrows: no
BlockArguments: no
CApiFFI: no
CPP: no
CUSKs: no
DatatypeContexts: no
DefaultSignatures: no
DeriveAnyClass: no
DisambiguateRecordFields: no
DuplicateRecordFields: no
ExistentialQuantification: no
ExplicitNamespaces: no
ExtendedDefaultRules: no
FunctionalDependencies: no
GHCForeignImportPrim: no
ImplicitParams: no
ImpredicativeTypes: no
IncoherentInstances: no
InterruptibleFFI: no
LexicalNegation: no
LiberalTypeSynonyms: no
LinearTypes: no
MagicHash: no
MonadComprehensions: no
MultiWayIf: no
NPlusKPatterns: no
NoImplicitPrelude: no
NoMonomorphismRestriction: no
NoPatternGuards: no
NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: no
NondecreasingIndentation: no
NullaryTypeClasses: no
NumDecimals: no
OverlappingInstances: no
OverloadedLabels: no
PackageImports: no
ParallelListComp: no
PartialTypeSignatures: no
PatternSynonyms: no
QualifiedDo: no
QuantifiedConstraints: no
QuasiQuotes: no
RebindableSyntax: no
RecursiveDo: no
RoleAnnotations: no
Safe: no
StandaloneKindSignatures: no
StaticPointers: no
Strict: no
StrictData: no
TemplateHaskell: no
TemplateHaskellQuotes: no
TransformListComp: no
Trustworthy: no
TypeFamilyDependencies: no
TypeInType: no
UnboxedSums: no
UnboxedTuples: no
UndecidableInstances: no
UndecidableSuperClasses: no
UnicodeSyntax: no
UnliftedFFITypes: no
UnliftedNewtypes: no
Unsafe: no


вт, 24 нояб. 2020 г. в 12:34, Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>:

> Dear Committee,
> the requested data (hackage and survey) is in, has been aggregated,
> cooked, seasoned and is ready for consumption. 116 extensions are
> waiting on your assessment, so time to vote!
> ## Procedure
> Please vote by email to this list, in a response to this thread.
> I want to make tallying easy and automatic, and my code will consider
> an extension Foo voted for if you write "Foo: yes" on its own line.
> This means you can include rationales, write "Foo: maybe" and "Foo: no"
> to remind yourself and others that about where you are, and you can
> safely quote other’s mails. For example, if you write:
> ---- begin
> example ----
> Easy ones:
> DeriveFooBar: yes
> OverloadedBen: no
> These ones are tricky:
> ImplicitExceptions: yes
>   I know nobody likes that one, but I do.
> RandomEvaluationOrder: maybe
>   Not sure about this one, here is why…
> > Richard wrote:
> > DependentHaskell: yes
> > Rationale: See my thesis
> I’m not convinced yet, tell me more, so
> DependentHaskell: maybe
> ---- end example ----
> then you have voted for DeriveFooBar and ImplicitExceptions. Only “yes”
> matters, “no”, “maybe” and “later” are all ignored.
> I will shortly send my first ballot around. Also see the end of this
> mail for a copy’n’paste template.
> You can update your vote as often as you want. Please always send your
> full votes (I will only consider your latest email). I encourage you to
> do that early, e.g. maybe start with a mail where you list the obvious
> yes and nos, and keep some at maybe and then refine.
> The timeline says first votes should be in within two weeks, and then a
> bit more to refine. But the earlier the merrier!
> The quota is 8. In particular, if everyone votes (and I hope everyone
> will), an extension won’t make it this round if 4 don’t include it.
> ## Data
> Please see
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/ghc2021/proposals/0000-ghc2021.rst#data
> for the data, including explanations. It is intentionally not sorted by
> the data, as the choice of ranking function would already be quite
> influencing.
> You may want to play around with that data, e.g. sort it by your own
> criteria etc. I looked long for an online service where I can upload
> the data and allow you to explore it, but then I noticed that that's a
> bit stupid, since we all probably can do it best with Haskell.
> So I made it easy to load the data into GHCi, see the instructions at
> https://github.com/nomeata/ghc-proposals-stats/blob/master/ext-stats/README.md
> which allow you, for example, to do this
> *Main> mapM_ (\E{..} -> Text.Printf.printf "%s: %d\n" ext survey_no) $
> take 10 $ reverse $ sortOn (\E{..} -> survey_no) (M.elems exts)
> AllowAmbiguousTypes: 195
> CPP: 192
> IncoherentInstances: 176
> Arrows: 156
> Strict: 153
> ImplicitParams: 147
> UndecidableInstances: 144
> OverlappingInstances: 144
> Unsafe: 139
> TemplateHaskell: 137
> Of course, if someone wants to upload the data somewhere and share
> that, that's also useful.
> Let me know if some of this doesn't quite work for you, and should be
> improved. Maybe we need a web form instead of mails?
> ## PS: Blank ballot
> To start, you could copy the following into an email
> AllowAmbiguousTypes: maybe
> ApplicativeDo: maybe
> Arrows: maybe
> BangPatterns: maybe
> BinaryLiterals: maybe
> BlockArguments: maybe
> CApiFFI: maybe
> CPP: maybe
> CUSKs: maybe
> ConstrainedClassMethods: maybe
> ConstraintKinds: maybe
> DataKinds: maybe
> DatatypeContexts: maybe
> DefaultSignatures: maybe
> DeriveAnyClass: maybe
> DeriveDataTypeable: maybe
> DeriveFoldable: maybe
> DeriveFunctor: maybe
> DeriveGeneric: maybe
> DeriveLift: maybe
> DeriveTraversable: maybe
> DerivingStrategies: maybe
> DerivingVia: maybe
> DisambiguateRecordFields: maybe
> DuplicateRecordFields: maybe
> EmptyCase: maybe
> EmptyDataDecls: maybe
> EmptyDataDeriving: maybe
> ExistentialQuantification: maybe
> ExplicitForAll: maybe
> ExplicitNamespaces: maybe
> ExtendedDefaultRules: maybe
> FlexibleContexts: maybe
> FlexibleInstances: maybe
> ForeignFunctionInterface: maybe
> FunctionalDependencies: maybe
> GADTSyntax: maybe
> GADTs: maybe
> GHCForeignImportPrim: maybe
> GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: maybe
> HexFloatLiterals: maybe
> ImplicitParams: maybe
> ImportQualifiedPost: maybe
> ImpredicativeTypes: maybe
> IncoherentInstances: maybe
> InstanceSigs: maybe
> InterruptibleFFI: maybe
> KindSignatures: maybe
> LambdaCase: maybe
> LexicalNegation: maybe
> LiberalTypeSynonyms: maybe
> LinearTypes: maybe
> MagicHash: maybe
> MonadComprehensions: maybe
> MonadFailDesugaring: maybe
> MonoLocalBinds: maybe
> MultiParamTypeClasses: maybe
> MultiWayIf: maybe
> NPlusKPatterns: maybe
> NamedFieldPuns: maybe
> NamedWildCards: maybe
> NegativeLiterals: maybe
> NoImplicitPrelude: maybe
> NoMonomorphismRestriction: maybe
> NoPatternGuards: maybe
> NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: maybe
> NondecreasingIndentation: maybe
> NullaryTypeClasses: maybe
> NumDecimals: maybe
> NumericUnderscores: maybe
> OverlappingInstances: maybe
> OverloadedLabels: maybe
> OverloadedLists: maybe
> OverloadedStrings: maybe
> PackageImports: maybe
> ParallelListComp: maybe
> PartialTypeSignatures: maybe
> PatternSynonyms: maybe
> PolyKinds: maybe
> PostfixOperators: maybe
> QualifiedDo: maybe
> QuantifiedConstraints: maybe
> QuasiQuotes: maybe
> RankNTypes: maybe
> RebindableSyntax: maybe
> RecordWildCards: maybe
> RecursiveDo: maybe
> RoleAnnotations: maybe
> Safe: maybe
> ScopedTypeVariables: maybe
> StandaloneDeriving: maybe
> StandaloneKindSignatures: maybe
> StarIsType: maybe
> StaticPointers: maybe
> Strict: maybe
> StrictData: maybe
> TemplateHaskell: maybe
> TemplateHaskellQuotes: maybe
> TransformListComp: maybe
> Trustworthy: maybe
> TupleSections: maybe
> TypeApplications: maybe
> TypeFamilies: maybe
> TypeFamilyDependencies: maybe
> TypeInType: maybe
> TypeOperators: maybe
> TypeSynonymInstances: maybe
> UnboxedSums: maybe
> UnboxedTuples: maybe
> UndecidableInstances: maybe
> UndecidableSuperClasses: maybe
> UnicodeSyntax: maybe
> UnliftedFFITypes: maybe
> UnliftedNewtypes: maybe
> Unsafe: maybe
> ViewPatterns: maybe
> --
> Joachim Breitner
>   mail at joachim-breitner.de
>   http://www.joachim-breitner.de/
> _______________________________________________
> ghc-steering-committee mailing list
> ghc-steering-committee at haskell.org
> https://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ghc-steering-committee
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