Cabal and GHC: the big picture

Sylvain Henry sylvain at
Thu Jul 18 07:48:59 UTC 2024

 > What other links or resource would be helpful.

On almost the same topic (only the GHC side) I wrote a big picture note 
"About units" a few years ago:


On 16/07/2024 12:20, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> Friends
> You may remember a recent thread on ghc-devs about GHC and Cabal 
> <>.  
> In it I say how I feel I lack the "big picture" of how GHC and Cabal 
> interact, and that my mental model is probably faulty.
> Tom Ellis took pity on me, and together we wrote this big-picture 
> overview about how GHC and Cabal interact 
> <>.  
> Would you like to:
>   * Read it as a consumer.
>       o Does it tell you stuff that is useful?
>       o What else would you like to know?
>       o What is un-clear or missing?
>   * Read it as an expert.
>       o Is it accurate?
>       o Are any bits misleading?
>       o Do the links go to appropriate places?
>       o What other links or resource would be helpful.
> It is not intended as a replacement for the GHC user guide, nor the 
> Cabal user guide; rather it is littered with links to those guides 
> which give much fuller details. Rather, it is intended to put you 
> (well, me for one!) in a position where you can more easily make sense 
> of those documents.
> We'd love to have your help in improving it.
> Simon
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