GHC development asks too much of the host system

Ben Gamari ben at
Wed Jul 20 16:01:12 UTC 2022

Rodrigo Mesquita <rodrigo.m.mesquita at> writes:

> Dear Ben,
> The list of tips you put together is quite nice.
> I suggest we add it to hadrian’s wiki page under a “Tips for making
> your life easier” section (as is, it is already useful! at least I
> learned something new).
Hi Rodrigo,

I'm happy to hear that it was useful! Indeed I always struggle to know
where to put this information; our developer documentation is quite
scattered and it's hard to know where new contributors will enter it.
Nevertheless, the page that you mention seems like an obvious place for
these tips.

Incidentally, I have long felt that migrating the Wiki documentation
into a comprehensive developer's guide (see #18853) in the repository
(much like the Rustc Book [1]) would be a useful direction of travel. It
would be both prompt us review (and, in some cases, retire) existing and
give us the opportunity to structure the documentation in a more
coherent manner. Moreover, the fact that it would be part of the
repository would both give us the benefit of code review and make it
easier to ensure that the documentation remains consistent with the
code. This is obviously a longer-term goal, but one which it would be
great to have help in moving towards.


- Ben

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