Writing GHC plugin to modify AST despite failure to type-check

Zubin Duggal zubin at well-typed.com
Thu Jul 1 12:57:20 UTC 2021

I was wrong, the constraint solver plugin is in fact called upon to
solve constraints like `MyIO () ~ IO ()`, so Christiaan's method would
work with suitable modifications to the plugin.

On 21/07/01 18:07, Zubin Duggal wrote:
>An issue with this approach is that it fails if you have a concrete
>monad instead of an mtl-style function.
>For example, with
>newtype MyIO a = MyIO (IO a)
>  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
>program :: MyIO ()
>program = putStrLn "Hello world!"
>GHC will reject the program because it can't unify `IO` and `MyIO`
>before it can even get to the constraint solver plugin.
>In general, implementing a plugin like this is a nice way to understand
>and familiarise yourself with plugins and the GHC API, but for practical
>purposes it would be best to use something like the `lifted-base` or
>`unliftio` libraries to access lifted version of common IO operations.
>On 21/07/01 10:54, Christiaan Baaij wrote:
>>Another option is to use a constraint solver plugin to "tag" the locations
>>with a coercion, and then use a CorePlugin [1] to replace the corresponding
>>cast by a call to liftIO.
>>I've created a constraint solver plugin to tag all the locations here:
>>As you can see, for:
>>>{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=LiftIOPlugin -ddump-ds -ddump-tc -ddump-to-file
>>>module Test where
>>>import Control.Monad.IO.Class
>>>program :: MonadIO m => m ()
>>>program = putStrLn "Hello world!"
>>it results in the following desugar output
>>>  = \ (@(m_a9Ky :: * -> *)) _ [Occ=Dead] ->
>>>      (break<0>() putStrLn (GHC.CString.unpackCString# "Hello world!"#))
>>>      `cast` (Univ(representational plugin "tag_lift_io"
>>>                   :: IO, m_a9Ky) <()>_N
>>>              :: IO () ~R# m_a9Ky ())
>>So now you'll need to make a CorePlugin to recognize that cast and replace
>>it with an application with `liftIO`.
>>Hopefully someone else can help you with suggestions on how to conjure a
>>proper `liftIO` out of thin air at that point in the compiler pipeline.
>>On Thu, 1 Jul 2021 at 10:24, Zubin Duggal <zubin at well-typed.com> wrote:
>>>You could set `-fdefer-type-errors` on the file, possibly using
>>>`dynflagsPlugin`. This will give your `typeCheckResultAction` an AST
>>>with all nodes containing type errors wrapped in an `evDelayedError`
>>>term. See Note [Deferring coercion errors to runtime] for more details.
>>>You can walk through the AST and replace these wrappers with `liftIO`
>>>(with the correct type and dictionary arguments) and things should
>>>work as you want.
>>>Of course, this will defer all type errors in the program, not just the
>>>ones that your plugin can solve. You could work around this by setting
>>>`log_action` to "upgrade" any type error warnings you didn't handle and
>>>arose as a result of `Reason Opt_DeferTypeErrors :: WarnReason` back to
>>>proper errors.
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