Changes in GHC API modularity with the "Encode shape information in PMOracle" MR

Shayne Fletcher shayne.fletcher at
Tue Sep 17 17:33:48 UTC 2019

Excellent work Sebastian. I confirm that the situation is resolved by

On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 5:23 PM Sebastian Graf <sgraf1337 at> wrote:

> Hi Shayne,
> Sorry to hear that! We didn't consider modularity at all and I would be
> happy to try to refactor in a way that would allow `ghc-lib-parser` to be
> properly separated again.
> I'm fairly certain that I didn't directly touch anything parser related,
> but apparently the new cyclic import of PmOracle within TcRnTypes (which is
> also exposed from `ghc-lib-parser`) pulled in the other half of GHC.
> I'll see if I can fix that tomorrow, if only by extracting a separate
> `Types`-style module.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian
> Am Mo., 16. Sept. 2019 um 22:04 Uhr schrieb Shayne Fletcher via ghc-devs <
> ghc-devs at>:
>> Some time back, the `ghc-lib` project split into two targets :
>> `ghc-lib-parser` for those projects that just need to produce syntax trees
>> and `ghc-lib` (re-exporting `ghc-lib-parser` modules) having the remaining
>> modules for projects that need to go on and distill parse trees to Core.
>> The idea of course was to reduce build times for tools like hlint that only
>> need parse trees.
>> Roughly, `ghc-lib-parser` got about 200 files and `ghc-lib` 300. Today
>> after landing `7915afc6bb9539a4534db99aeb6616a6d145918a`, "Encode shape
>> information in `PmOracle`", `ghc-lib-parser` now needs 543 files and
>> `ghc-lib` gets just 25.
>> That may be just bad luck for `ghc-lib-parser` and the way it has to be
>> but I thought I should at least mention the knock-on effect of this change
>> on the modularity of the GHC API in case this consequence hasn't been
>> considered?
>> --
>> *Shayne Fletcher*
>> Language Engineer */* +1 917 699 7663
>> *Digital Asset* <>, creators of *DAML
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*Shayne Fletcher*
Language Engineer */* +1 917 699 7663
*Digital Asset* <>, creators of *DAML

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