Feedback request: GHC performance test-suite

David Eichmann davide at
Thu Sep 13 08:24:54 UTC 2018

Hello all,

I've recently resumed some work started by Jared Weakly on the GHC test 
suite. This specifically regards performance tests. The work aims to, 
among some other things, reduce manual work and to log performance test 
results from our CI server. The proposed change is described in more 
detail on this wiki page: I'd appreciate 
any feedback or questions on this.

Thank you and have a great day,
David Eichmann

David Eichmann, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

Registered in England & Wales, OC335890
118 Wymering Mansions, Wymering Road, London W9 2NF, England

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