[GHC] #11863: MSN Customer Service %% 18552337309 %% Live Tech Assistance Phone Number

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Fri Apr 15 12:11:52 UTC 2016


Is there anything anyone can do to kill off this spam?


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-tickets [mailto:ghc-tickets-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of
|  GHC
|  Sent: 15 April 2016 13:08
|  Cc: ghc-tickets at haskell.org
|  Subject: [GHC] #11863: MSN Customer Service %% 18552337309 %% Live Tech
|  Assistance Phone Number
|  #11863: MSN Customer Service %% 18552337309 %% Live Tech Assistance
|  Phone Number
|  -------------------------------------+---------------------------------
|  -
|  -------------------------------------+---
|             Reporter:  roxiertaylor   |             Owner:
|                 Type:  bug            |            Status:  new
|             Priority:  normal         |         Milestone:
|            Component:  Compiler       |           Version:  7.10.3
|             Keywords:                 |  Operating System:
|  Unknown/Multiple
|         Architecture:                 |   Type of failure:  None/Unknown
|    Unknown/Multiple                   |
|            Test Case:                 |        Blocked By:
|             Blocking:                 |   Related Tickets:
|  Differential Rev(s):                 |         Wiki Page:
|  -------------------------------------+---------------------------------
|  -
|  -------------------------------------+---
|   MSN Customer Service %% 18552337309 %% Live Tech Assistance Phone
|  Number  Msn Customer Service Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Phone Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Contact Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Telephone Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Helpline Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Toll Free Number .
|   Phone Number For Msn .
|   Msn Customer Support Phone Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Help Desk Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Landline Number .
|   Msn Customer Service 24/7 Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Number .
|   Msn Customer Service Number .
|   Msn tech support number .
|   Msn tech support phone number .
|   Msn tech support contact number .
|   Msn tech support helpline number .
|   Msn tech support help .
|   Msn tech support help desk number .
|   Msn tech support telephone number .
|   Msn tech support mobile number .
|   Msn tech support landline number .
|   Msn tech support toll free number .
|   Msn tech support 24/7 hours number .
|   Msn tech support contact details .
|   Msn tech support contact info .
|   Msn tech support line .
|   Msn tech support number .
|   Msn tech support number .
|   Msn tech support representative .
|   Msn tech support phone number .
|   Msn tech support phone number .
|   Msn tech support team .
|   Msn tech support live support .
|   Msn tech support assistance .
|   Msn tech support assistance number .
|   Msn tech support assistance contact number .
|   Msn tech support assistance phone number .
|   Msn tech support assistance helpline number .
|   Msn tech support assistance help desk number .
|   Msn customer support assistance 24/7 .
|   Msn tech support online support .
|   Msn tech support number .
|   Msn tech support number .
|   Msn tech support no. .
|   Msn team support number .
|   Msn team support phone number .
|   Msn team support contact number .
|   Msn team support helpline number .
|   Msn team support help .
|   Msn team support help desk number .
|   Msn team support telephone number .
|   Msn team support mobile number .
|   Msn team support landline number .
|   Msn team support toll free number .
|   Msn team support 24/7 hours number .
|   Msn team support contact details .
|   Msn team support contact info .
|   Msn team support line .
|   Msn team support number .
|   Msn team support number .
|   Msn team support representative .
|   Msn team support phone number .
|   Msn team support phone number .
|   Msn team support team .
|   Msn team support team support .
|   Msn team support assistance .
|   Msn team support assistance number .
|   Msn team support assistance contact number .
|   Msn team support assistance phone number .
|   Msn team support assistance helpline number .
|   Msn team support assistance help desk number .
|   Msn customer support assistance 24/7 .
|   Msn team support online support .
|   Msn team support number .
|   Msn team support no. .
|   Msn help desk number .
|   Msn help desk phone number .
|   Msn help desk contact number .
|   Msn help desk helpline number .
|   Msn help desk help .
|   Msn help desk help desk number .
|   Msn help desk telephone number .
|   Msn help desk mobile number .
|   Msn help desk landline number .
|   Msn help desk toll free number .
|   Msn help desk 24/7 hours number .
|   Msn help desk contact details .
|   (call) I*855*2I2*2247 Msn Customer Service and Support Phone Number
|  Helpline (USA)
|  --
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|  <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3a%2f%2fghc.ha
|  skell.org%2ftrac%2fghc%2fticket%2f11863&data=01%7c01%7csimonpj%40064d.m
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|  1ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=q42%2bpnHzKHYRpQAa5RTUN%2bpY6AAjGeD%2fDGtVJn9
|  PILc%3d>
|  GHC
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|  data=xCiJdocJi4IW1A9Yzb922NIefegLQTA5x6FJjwXzvMo%3d>
|  The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
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