[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 4 commits: Enable ImpredicativeTypes internally when typechecking selector bindings

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Mon Apr 6 10:26:03 UTC 2020

 Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

bd75e5da by Ryan Scott at 2020-04-04T07:07:58-04:00
Enable ImpredicativeTypes internally when typechecking selector bindings

This is necessary for certain record selectors with higher-rank
types, such as the examples in #18005. See
`Note [Impredicative record selectors]` in `TcTyDecls`.

Fixes #18005.

- - - - -
95ec9773 by Ömer Sinan Ağacan at 2020-04-06T06:25:53-04:00
Don't override proc CafInfos in ticky builds

Fixes #17947

When we have a ticky label for a proc, IdLabels for the ticky counter
and proc entry share the same Name. This caused overriding proc CafInfos
with the ticky CafInfos (i.e. NoCafRefs) during SRT analysis.

We now ignore the ticky labels when building SRTMaps. This makes sense

- When building the current module they don't need to be in SRTMaps as
  they're initialized as non-CAFFY (see mkRednCountsLabel), so they
  don't take part in the dependency analysis and they're never added to

  (Reminder: a "dependency" in the SRT analysis is a CAFFY dependency,
  non-CAFFY uses are not considered as dependencies for the algorithm)

- They don't appear in the interfaces as they're not exported, so it
  doesn't matter for cross-module concerns whether they're in the SRTMap
  or not.

See also the new Note [Ticky labels in SRT analysis].

- - - - -
528d48c3 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-04-06T06:25:54-04:00
Fix an tricky specialiser loop

Issue #17151 was a very tricky example of a bug in which the
specialiser accidentally constructs a recurive dictionary,
so that everything turns into bottom.

I have fixed variants of this bug at least twice before:
see Note [Avoiding loops].  It was a bit of a struggle
to isolate the problem, greatly aided by the work that
Alexey Kuleshevich did in distilling a test case.

Once I'd understood the problem, it was not difficult to fix,
though it did lead me a bit of refactoring in specImports.

- - - - -
76a1ea03 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2020-04-06T06:25:54-04:00
Refactoring only

This refactors DictBinds into a data type rather than a pair.
No change in behaviour, just better code

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
- compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Op/Specialise.hs
- compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T17151.hs
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T17151.stdout
- + testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T17151a.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/all.T
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T18005.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ module GHC.Cmm.CLabel (
-        isIdLabel
+        isIdLabel, isTickyLabel
     ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -268,6 +268,12 @@ isIdLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
 isIdLabel IdLabel{} = True
 isIdLabel _ = False
+-- Used in SRT analysis. See Note [Ticky labels in SRT analysis] in
+-- GHC.Cmm.Info.Build.
+isTickyLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
+isTickyLabel (IdLabel _ _ RednCounts) = True
+isTickyLabel _ = False
 -- This is laborious, but necessary. We can't derive Ord because
 -- Unique doesn't have an Ord instance. Note nonDetCmpUnique in the
 -- implementation. See Note [No Ord for Unique]
@@ -462,8 +468,7 @@ mkSRTLabel     :: Unique -> CLabel
 mkSRTLabel u = SRTLabel u
 mkRednCountsLabel :: Name -> CLabel
-mkRednCountsLabel       name    =
-  IdLabel name NoCafRefs RednCounts  -- Note [ticky for LNE]
+mkRednCountsLabel name = IdLabel name NoCafRefs RednCounts  -- Note [ticky for LNE]
 -- These have local & (possibly) external variants:
 mkLocalClosureLabel      :: Name -> CafInfo -> CLabel

@@ -409,6 +409,30 @@ Maybe, but could you prove that RET_FUN is the only way that
 resurrection can occur?
 So, no shortcutting.
+Note [Ticky labels in SRT analysis]
+Raw Cmm data (CmmStaticsRaw) can't contain pointers so they're considered
+non-CAFFY in SRT analysis and we update the SRTMap mapping them to `Nothing`
+(meaning they're not CAFFY).
+However when building with -ticky we generate ticky CLabels using the function's
+`Name`. For example, if we have a top-level function `sat_s1rQ`, in a ticky
+build we get two IdLabels using the name `sat_s1rQ`:
+- For the function itself: IdLabel sat_s1rQ ... Entry
+- For the ticky counter: IdLabel sat_s1rQ ... RednCounts
+In these cases we really want to use the function definition for the SRT
+analysis of this Name, because that's what we export for this Name -- ticky
+counters are not exported. So we ignore ticky counters in SRT analysis (which
+are never CAFFY and never exported).
+Not doing this caused #17947 where we analysed the function first mapped the
+name to CAFFY. We then saw the ticky constructor, and becuase it has the same
+Name as the function and is not CAFFY we overrode the CafInfo of the name as
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -818,8 +842,11 @@ doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo procs data_ = do
                       -- already updated by oneSRT
                     CmmData _ (CmmStaticsRaw lbl _)
-                      | isIdLabel lbl ->
-                          -- not analysed by oneSRT, declare it non-CAFFY here
+                      | isIdLabel lbl && not (isTickyLabel lbl) ->
+                          -- Raw data are not analysed by oneSRT and they can't
+                          -- be CAFFY.
+                          -- See Note [Ticky labels in SRT analysis] above for
+                          -- why we exclude ticky labels here.
                           Map.insert (mkCAFLabel lbl) Nothing srtMap
                       | otherwise ->
                           -- Not an IdLabel, ignore

@@ -589,19 +589,11 @@ specProgram guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = this_mod
              -- Specialise the bindings of this module
        ; (binds', uds) <- runSpecM dflags this_mod (go binds)
-             -- Specialise imported functions
-       ; hpt_rules <- getRuleBase
-       ; let rule_base = extendRuleBaseList hpt_rules local_rules
-       ; (new_rules, spec_binds) <- specImports dflags this_mod top_env emptyVarSet
-                                                [] rule_base uds
-       ; let final_binds
-               | null spec_binds = binds'
-               | otherwise       = Rec (flattenBinds spec_binds) : binds'
-                   -- Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
+       ; (spec_rules, spec_binds) <- specImports dflags this_mod top_env
+                                                 local_rules uds
-       ; return (guts { mg_binds = final_binds
-                      , mg_rules = new_rules ++ local_rules }) }
+       ; return (guts { mg_binds = spec_binds ++ binds'
+                      , mg_rules = spec_rules ++ local_rules }) }
         -- We need to start with a Subst that knows all the things
         -- that are in scope, so that the substitution engine doesn't
@@ -645,72 +637,93 @@ See #10491
 *                                                                      *
 ********************************************************************* -}
--- | Specialise a set of calls to imported bindings
-specImports :: DynFlags
-            -> Module
-            -> SpecEnv          -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
-            -> VarSet           -- Don't specialise these ones
-                                -- See Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
-            -> [Id]             -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
-            -> RuleBase         -- Rules from this module and the home package
-                                -- (but not external packages, which can change)
-            -> UsageDetails     -- Calls for imported things, and floating bindings
-            -> CoreM ( [CoreRule]   -- New rules
-                     , [CoreBind] ) -- Specialised bindings
-                                    -- See Note [Wrapping bindings returned by specImports]
-specImports dflags this_mod top_env done callers rule_base
+specImports :: DynFlags -> Module -> SpecEnv
+            -> [CoreRule]
+            -> UsageDetails
+            -> CoreM ([CoreRule], [CoreBind])
+specImports dflags this_mod top_env local_rules
             (MkUD { ud_binds = dict_binds, ud_calls = calls })
-  -- See Note [Disabling cross-module specialisation]
   | not $ gopt Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise dflags
-  = return ([], [])
+    -- See Note [Disabling cross-module specialisation]
+  = return ([], wrapDictBinds dict_binds [])
   | otherwise
-  = do { let import_calls = dVarEnvElts calls
-       ; (rules, spec_binds) <- go rule_base import_calls
+  = do { hpt_rules <- getRuleBase
+       ; let rule_base = extendRuleBaseList hpt_rules local_rules
+       ; (spec_rules, spec_binds) <- spec_imports dflags this_mod top_env
+                                                  [] rule_base
+                                                  dict_binds calls
              -- Don't forget to wrap the specialized bindings with
              -- bindings for the needed dictionaries.
              -- See Note [Wrap bindings returned by specImports]
-       ; let spec_binds' = wrapDictBinds dict_binds spec_binds
+             -- and Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
+       ; let final_binds
+               | null spec_binds = wrapDictBinds dict_binds []
+               | otherwise       = [Rec $ flattenBinds $
+                                    wrapDictBinds dict_binds spec_binds]
+       ; return (spec_rules, final_binds)
+    }
+-- | Specialise a set of calls to imported bindings
+spec_imports :: DynFlags
+             -> Module
+             -> SpecEnv          -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
+             -> [Id]             -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
+                                 -- See Note [specImport call stack]
+             -> RuleBase         -- Rules from this module and the home package
+                                 -- (but not external packages, which can change)
+             -> Bag DictBind     -- Dict bindings, used /only/ for filterCalls
+                                 -- See Note [Avoiding loops in specImports]
+             -> CallDetails      -- Calls for imported things
+             -> CoreM ( [CoreRule]   -- New rules
+                      , [CoreBind] ) -- Specialised bindings
+spec_imports dflags this_mod top_env
+             callers rule_base dict_binds calls
+  = do { let import_calls = dVarEnvElts calls
+       -- ; debugTraceMsg (text "specImports {" <+>
+       --                  vcat [ text "calls:" <+> ppr import_calls
+       --                       , text "dict_binds:" <+> ppr dict_binds ])
+       ; (rules, spec_binds) <- go rule_base import_calls
+       -- ; debugTraceMsg (text "End specImports }" <+> ppr import_calls)
-       ; return (rules, spec_binds') }
+       ; return (rules, spec_binds) }
     go :: RuleBase -> [CallInfoSet] -> CoreM ([CoreRule], [CoreBind])
     go _ [] = return ([], [])
-    go rb (cis@(CIS fn _) : other_calls)
-      = do { let ok_calls = filterCalls cis dict_binds
-                     -- Drop calls that (directly or indirectly) refer to fn
-                     -- See Note [Avoiding loops]
---           ; debugTraceMsg (text "specImport" <+> vcat [ ppr fn
---                                                       , text "calls" <+> ppr cis
---                                                       , text "ud_binds =" <+> ppr dict_binds
---                                                       , text "dump set =" <+> ppr dump_set
---                                                       , text "filtered calls =" <+> ppr ok_calls ])
-           ; (rules1, spec_binds1) <- specImport dflags this_mod top_env
-                                                 done callers rb fn ok_calls
+    go rb (cis : other_calls)
+      = do { -- debugTraceMsg (text "specImport {" <+> ppr cis)
+           ; (rules1, spec_binds1) <- spec_import dflags this_mod top_env
+                                                  callers rb dict_binds cis
+           -- ; debugTraceMsg (text "specImport }" <+> ppr cis)
            ; (rules2, spec_binds2) <- go (extendRuleBaseList rb rules1) other_calls
            ; return (rules1 ++ rules2, spec_binds1 ++ spec_binds2) }
-specImport :: DynFlags
-           -> Module
-           -> SpecEnv               -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
-           -> VarSet                -- Don't specialise these
-                                    -- See Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
-           -> [Id]                  -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
-           -> RuleBase              -- Rules from this module
-           -> Id -> [CallInfo]      -- Imported function and calls for it
-           -> CoreM ( [CoreRule]    -- New rules
-                    , [CoreBind] )  -- Specialised bindings
-specImport dflags this_mod top_env done callers rb fn calls_for_fn
-  | fn `elemVarSet` done
+spec_import :: DynFlags
+            -> Module
+            -> SpecEnv               -- Passed in so that all top-level Ids are in scope
+            -> [Id]                  -- Stack of imported functions being specialised
+                                     -- See Note [specImport call stack]
+            -> RuleBase              -- Rules from this module
+            -> Bag DictBind          -- Dict bindings, used /only/ for filterCalls
+                                     -- See Note [Avoiding loops in specImports]
+            -> CallInfoSet           -- Imported function and calls for it
+            -> CoreM ( [CoreRule]    -- New rules
+                     , [CoreBind] )  -- Specialised bindings
+spec_import dflags this_mod top_env callers
+            rb dict_binds cis@(CIS fn _)
+  | isIn "specImport" fn callers
   = return ([], [])     -- No warning.  This actually happens all the time
                         -- when specialising a recursive function, because
                         -- the RHS of the specialised function contains a recursive
                         -- call to the original function
-  | null calls_for_fn   -- We filtered out all the calls in deleteCallsMentioning
-  = return ([], [])
+  | null good_calls
+  = do { -- debugTraceMsg (text "specImport:no valid calls")
+       ; return ([], []) }
   | wantSpecImport dflags unfolding
   , Just rhs <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate unfolding
@@ -723,32 +736,37 @@ specImport dflags this_mod top_env done callers rb fn calls_for_fn
        ; let full_rb = unionRuleBase rb (eps_rule_base eps)
              rules_for_fn = getRules (RuleEnv full_rb vis_orphs) fn
-       ; (rules1, spec_pairs, uds)
-             <- -- pprTrace "specImport1" (vcat [ppr fn, ppr calls_for_fn, ppr rhs]) $
-                runSpecM dflags this_mod $
-                specCalls (Just this_mod) top_env rules_for_fn calls_for_fn fn rhs
+       ; (rules1, spec_pairs, MkUD { ud_binds = dict_binds1, ud_calls = new_calls })
+             <- do { -- debugTraceMsg (text "specImport1" <+> vcat [ppr fn, ppr good_calls, ppr rhs])
+                   ; runSpecM dflags this_mod $
+                     specCalls (Just this_mod) top_env rules_for_fn good_calls fn rhs }
        ; let spec_binds1 = [NonRec b r | (b,r) <- spec_pairs]
              -- After the rules kick in we may get recursion, but
              -- we rely on a global GlomBinds to sort that out later
              -- See Note [Glom the bindings if imported functions are specialised]
               -- Now specialise any cascaded calls
-       ; (rules2, spec_binds2) <- -- pprTrace "specImport 2" (ppr fn $$ ppr rules1 $$ ppr spec_binds1) $
-                                  specImports dflags this_mod top_env
-                                              (extendVarSet done fn)
-                                              (fn:callers)
-                                              (extendRuleBaseList rb rules1)
-                                              uds
+       -- ; debugTraceMsg (text "specImport 2" <+> (ppr fn $$ ppr rules1 $$ ppr spec_binds1))
+       ; (rules2, spec_binds2) <- spec_imports dflags this_mod top_env
+                                               (fn:callers)
+                                               (extendRuleBaseList rb rules1)
+                                               (dict_binds `unionBags` dict_binds1)
+                                               new_calls
-       ; let final_binds = spec_binds2 ++ spec_binds1
+       ; let final_binds = wrapDictBinds dict_binds1 $
+                           spec_binds2 ++ spec_binds1
        ; return (rules2 ++ rules1, final_binds) }
-  | otherwise = do { tryWarnMissingSpecs dflags callers fn calls_for_fn
-                   ; return ([], [])}
+  | otherwise
+  = do { tryWarnMissingSpecs dflags callers fn good_calls
+       ; return ([], [])}
     unfolding = realIdUnfolding fn   -- We want to see the unfolding even for loop breakers
+    good_calls = filterCalls cis dict_binds
+       -- SUPER IMPORTANT!  Drop calls that (directly or indirectly) refer to fn
+       -- See Note [Avoiding loops in specImports]
 -- | Returns whether or not to show a missed-spec warning.
 -- If -Wall-missed-specializations is on, show the warning.
@@ -790,8 +808,114 @@ wantSpecImport dflags unf
                -- inside it that we want to specialise
        | otherwise -> False    -- Stable, not INLINE, hence INLINABLE
-{- Note [Warning about missed specialisations]
+{- Note [Avoiding loops in specImports]
+We must take great care when specialising instance declarations
+(functions like $fOrdList) lest we accidentally build a recursive
+dictionary. See Note [Avoiding loops].
+The basic strategy of Note [Avoiding loops] is to use filterCalls
+to discard loopy specialisations.  But to do that we must ensure
+that the in-scope dict-binds (passed to filterCalls) contains
+all the needed dictionary bindings.  In particular, in the recursive
+call to spec_imorpts in spec_import, we must include the dict-binds
+from the parent.  Lacking this caused #17151, a really nasty bug.
+Here is what happened.
+* Class struture:
+    Source is a superclass of Mut
+    Index is a superclass of Source
+* We started with these dict binds
+    dSource = $fSourcePix @Int $fIndexInt
+    dIndex  = sc_sel dSource
+    dMut    = $fMutPix @Int dIndex
+  and these calls to specialise
+    $fMutPix @Int dIndex
+    $fSourcePix @Int $fIndexInt
+* We specialised the call ($fMutPix @Int dIndex)
+  ==> new call ($fSourcePix @Int dIndex)
+      (because Source is a superclass of Mut)
+* We specialised ($fSourcePix @Int dIndex)
+  ==> produces specialised dict $s$fSourcePix,
+      a record with dIndex as a field
+      plus RULE forall d. ($fSourcePix @Int d) = $s$fSourcePix
+  *** This is the bogus step ***
+* Now we decide not to specialise the call
+    $fSourcePix @Int $fIndexInt
+  because we alredy have a RULE that matches it
+* Finally the simplifer rewrites
+    dSource = $fSourcePix @Int $fIndexInt
+    ==>  dSource = $s$fSourcePix
+Disaster. Now we have
+Rewrite dSource's RHS to $s$fSourcePix   Disaster
+    dSource = $s$fSourcePix
+    dIndex  = sc_sel dSource
+    $s$fSourcePix = MkSource dIndex ...
+Solution: filterCalls should have stopped the bogus step,
+by seeing that dIndex transitively uses $fSourcePix. But
+it can only do that if it sees all the dict_binds.  Wow.
+Here's another example (#13429).  Suppose we have
+  class Monoid v => C v a where ...
+We start with a call
+   f @ [Integer] @ Integer $fC[]Integer
+Specialising call to 'f' gives dict bindings
+   $dMonoid_1 :: Monoid [Integer]
+   $dMonoid_1 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $fC[]Integer
+   $dC_1 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
+   $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
+...plus a recursive call to
+   f @ [Integer] @ (Node [Integer] Integer) $dC_1
+Specialising that call gives
+   $dMonoid_2  :: Monoid [Integer]
+   $dMonoid_2  = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
+   $dC_2 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
+   $dC_2 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2
+Now we have two calls to the imported function
+  M.$fCvNode :: Monoid v => C v a
+  M.$fCvNode @v @a m = C m some_fun
+But we must /not/ use the call (M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2)
+for specialisation, else we get:
+  $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
+  $dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
+  $s$fCvNode = C $dMonoid_2 ...
+    RULE M.$fCvNode [Integer] _ _ = $s$fCvNode
+Now use the rule to rewrite the call in the RHS of $dC_1
+and we get a loop!
+Note [specImport call stack]
+When specialising an imports function 'f', we may get new calls
+of an imported fuction 'g', which we want to specialise in turn,
+and similarly specialising 'g' might expose a new call to 'h'.
+We track the stack of enclosing functions. So when specialising 'h' we
+haev a specImport call stack of [g,f]. We do this for two reasons:
+* Note [Warning about missed specialisations]
+* Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
+Note [Warning about missed specialisations]
  * In module Lib, you carefully mark a function 'foo' INLINABLE
  * Import Lib(foo) into another module M
@@ -807,6 +931,16 @@ is what Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs does.
 ToDo: warn about missed opportunities for local functions.
+Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
+When we specialise 'f' we may find new overloaded calls to 'g', 'h' in
+'f's RHS.  So we want to specialise g,h.  But we don't want to
+specialise f any more!  It's possible that f's RHS might have a
+recursive yet-more-specialised call, so we'd diverge in that case.
+And if the call is to the same type, one specialisation is enough.
+Avoiding this recursive specialisation loop is one reason for the
+'callers' stack passed to specImports and specImport.
 Note [Specialise imported INLINABLE things]
 What imported functions do we specialise?  The basic set is
@@ -842,15 +976,6 @@ make sure that f_spec is recursive.  Easiest thing is to make all
 the specialisations for imported bindings recursive.
-Note [Avoiding recursive specialisation]
-When we specialise 'f' we may find new overloaded calls to 'g', 'h' in
-'f's RHS.  So we want to specialise g,h.  But we don't want to
-specialise f any more!  It's possible that f's RHS might have a
-recursive yet-more-specialised call, so we'd diverge in that case.
-And if the call is to the same type, one specialisation is enough.
-Avoiding this recursive specialisation loop is the reason for the
-'done' VarSet passed to specImports and specImport.
 *                                                                      *
@@ -992,7 +1117,8 @@ specCase env scrut' case_bndr [(con, args, rhs)]
        ; (rhs', rhs_uds)   <- specExpr env_rhs' rhs
        ; let scrut_bind    = mkDB (NonRec case_bndr_flt scrut')
              case_bndr_set = unitVarSet case_bndr_flt
-             sc_binds      = [(NonRec sc_arg_flt sc_rhs, case_bndr_set)
+             sc_binds      = [ DB { db_bind = NonRec sc_arg_flt sc_rhs
+                                  , db_fvs  = case_bndr_set }
                              | (sc_arg_flt, sc_rhs) <- sc_args_flt `zip` sc_rhss ]
              flt_binds     = scrut_bind : sc_binds
              (free_uds, dumped_dbs) = dumpUDs (case_bndr':args') rhs_uds
@@ -1115,7 +1241,7 @@ specBind rhs_env (NonRec fn rhs) body_uds
              -- No call in final_uds mentions bound variables,
              -- so we can just leave the binding here
-              return (map fst final_binds, free_uds) }
+              return (map db_bind final_binds, free_uds) }
 specBind rhs_env (Rec pairs) body_uds
@@ -1142,7 +1268,7 @@ specBind rhs_env (Rec pairs) body_uds
        ; if float_all then
               return ([], final_uds `snocDictBind` final_bind)
-              return ([fst final_bind], final_uds) }
+              return ([db_bind final_bind], final_uds) }
@@ -1621,8 +1747,10 @@ In general, we need only make this Rec if
 Note [Avoiding loops]
 When specialising /dictionary functions/ we must be very careful to
-avoid building loops. Here is an example that bit us badly: #3591
+avoid building loops. Here is an example that bit us badly, on
+several distinct occasions.
+Here is one: #3591
      class Eq a => C a
      instance Eq [a] => C [a]
@@ -1637,13 +1765,11 @@ This translates to
 None of these definitions is recursive. What happened was that we
 generated a specialisation:
      RULE forall d. dfun T d = dT  :: C [T]
      dT = (MkD a d (meth d)) [T/a, d1/d]
         = MkD T d1 (meth d1)
 But now we use the RULE on the RHS of d2, to get
     d2 = dT = MkD d1 (meth d1)
     d1 = $p1 d2
@@ -1660,46 +1786,6 @@ Solution:
   (directly or indirectly) on the dfun we are specialising.
   This is done by 'filterCalls'
-Here's another example, this time for an imported dfun, so the call
-to filterCalls is in specImports (#13429). Suppose we have
-  class Monoid v => C v a where ...
-We start with a call
-   f @ [Integer] @ Integer $fC[]Integer
-Specialising call to 'f' gives dict bindings
-   $dMonoid_1 :: Monoid [Integer]
-   $dMonoid_1 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $fC[]Integer
-   $dC_1 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
-   $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
-...plus a recursive call to
-   f @ [Integer] @ (Node [Integer] Integer) $dC_1
-Specialising that call gives
-   $dMonoid_2  :: Monoid [Integer]
-   $dMonoid_2  = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
-   $dC_2 :: C [Integer] (Node [Integer] Integer)
-   $dC_2 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2
-Now we have two calls to the imported function
-  M.$fCvNode :: Monoid v => C v a
-  M.$fCvNode @v @a m = C m some_fun
-But we must /not/ use the call (M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_2)
-for specialisation, else we get:
-  $dC_1 = M.$fCvNode @ [Integer] $dMonoid_1
-  $dMonoid_2 = M.$p1C @ [Integer] $dC_1
-  $s$fCvNode = C $dMonoid_2 ...
-    RULE M.$fCvNode [Integer] _ _ = $s$fCvNode
-Now use the rule to rewrite the call in the RHS of $dC_1
-and we get a loop!
 Here's yet another example
@@ -2227,7 +2313,7 @@ data UsageDetails
 -- | A 'DictBind' is a binding along with a cached set containing its free
 -- variables (both type variables and dictionaries)
-type DictBind = (CoreBind, VarSet)
+data DictBind = DB { db_bind :: CoreBind, db_fvs :: VarSet }
 {- Note [Floated dictionary bindings]
@@ -2256,6 +2342,11 @@ So the DictBinds in (ud_binds :: Bag DictBind) may contain
 non-dictionary bindings too.
+instance Outputable DictBind where
+  ppr (DB { db_bind = bind, db_fvs = fvs })
+    = text "DB" <+> braces (sep [ text "bind:" <+> ppr bind
+                                , text "fvs: " <+> ppr fvs ])
 instance Outputable UsageDetails where
   ppr (MkUD { ud_binds = dbs, ud_calls = calls })
         = text "MkUD" <+> braces (sep (punctuate comma
@@ -2304,8 +2395,8 @@ ppr_call_key_ty (SpecDict _)  = Nothing
 ppr_call_key_ty UnspecArg     = Nothing
 instance Outputable CallInfo where
-  ppr (CI { ci_key = key, ci_fvs = fvs })
-    = text "CI" <> braces (hsep [ fsep (mapMaybe ppr_call_key_ty key), ppr fvs ])
+  ppr (CI { ci_key = key, ci_fvs = _fvs })
+    = text "CI" <> braces (sep (map ppr key))
 unionCalls :: CallDetails -> CallDetails -> CallDetails
 unionCalls c1 c2 = plusDVarEnv_C unionCallInfoSet c1 c2
@@ -2491,11 +2582,11 @@ plusUDs (MkUD {ud_binds = db1, ud_calls = calls1})
 _dictBindBndrs :: Bag DictBind -> [Id]
-_dictBindBndrs dbs = foldr ((++) . bindersOf . fst) [] dbs
+_dictBindBndrs dbs = foldr ((++) . bindersOf . db_bind) [] dbs
 -- | Construct a 'DictBind' from a 'CoreBind'
 mkDB :: CoreBind -> DictBind
-mkDB bind = (bind, bind_fvs bind)
+mkDB bind = DB { db_bind = bind, db_fvs = bind_fvs bind }
 -- | Identify the free variables of a 'CoreBind'
 bind_fvs :: CoreBind -> VarSet
@@ -2526,17 +2617,18 @@ pair_fvs (bndr, rhs) = exprSomeFreeVars interesting rhs
 -- | Flatten a set of "dumped" 'DictBind's, and some other binding
 -- pairs, into a single recursive binding.
-recWithDumpedDicts :: [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> Bag DictBind ->DictBind
+recWithDumpedDicts :: [(Id,CoreExpr)] -> Bag DictBind -> DictBind
 recWithDumpedDicts pairs dbs
-  = (Rec bindings, fvs)
+  = DB { db_bind = Rec bindings, db_fvs = fvs }
-    (bindings, fvs) = foldr add
-                               ([], emptyVarSet)
-                               (dbs `snocBag` mkDB (Rec pairs))
-    add (NonRec b r, fvs') (pairs, fvs) =
-      ((b,r) : pairs, fvs `unionVarSet` fvs')
-    add (Rec prs1,   fvs') (pairs, fvs) =
-      (prs1 ++ pairs, fvs `unionVarSet` fvs')
+    (bindings, fvs) = foldr add ([], emptyVarSet)
+                                (dbs `snocBag` mkDB (Rec pairs))
+    add (DB { db_bind = bind, db_fvs = fvs }) (prs_acc, fvs_acc)
+      = case bind of
+          NonRec b r -> ((b,r) : prs_acc, fvs')
+          Rec prs1   -> (prs1 ++ prs_acc, fvs')
+      where
+        fvs' = fvs_acc `unionVarSet` fvs
 snocDictBinds :: UsageDetails -> [DictBind] -> UsageDetails
 -- Add ud_binds to the tail end of the bindings in uds
@@ -2556,13 +2648,13 @@ wrapDictBinds :: Bag DictBind -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
 wrapDictBinds dbs binds
   = foldr add binds dbs
-    add (bind,_) binds = bind : binds
+    add (DB { db_bind = bind }) binds = bind : binds
 wrapDictBindsE :: Bag DictBind -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
 wrapDictBindsE dbs expr
   = foldr add expr dbs
-    add (bind,_) expr = Let bind expr
+    add (DB { db_bind = bind }) expr = Let bind expr
 dumpUDs :: [CoreBndr] -> UsageDetails -> (UsageDetails, Bag DictBind)
@@ -2624,9 +2716,10 @@ filterCalls (CIS fn call_bag) dbs
       --   (_,_,dump_set) = splitDictBinds dbs {fn}
       -- But this variant is shorter
-    go so_far (db,fvs) | fvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far
-                       = extendVarSetList so_far (bindersOf db)
-                       | otherwise = so_far
+    go so_far (DB { db_bind = bind, db_fvs = fvs })
+       | fvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far
+       = extendVarSetList so_far (bindersOf bind)
+       | otherwise = so_far
     ok_call (CI { ci_fvs = fvs }) = not (fvs `intersectsVarSet` dump_set)
@@ -2643,8 +2736,9 @@ splitDictBinds dbs bndr_set
                 -- Important that it's foldl' not foldr;
                 -- we're accumulating the set of dumped ids in dump_set
-    split_db (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_idset) db@(bind, fvs)
-        | dump_idset `intersectsVarSet` fvs     -- Dump it
+    split_db (free_dbs, dump_dbs, dump_idset) db
+        | DB { db_bind = bind, db_fvs = fvs } <- db
+        , dump_idset `intersectsVarSet` fvs     -- Dump it
         = (free_dbs, dump_dbs `snocBag` db,
            extendVarSetList dump_idset (bindersOf bind))

@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import Bag
 import FastString
 import FV
 import GHC.Types.Module
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
 import Control.Monad
@@ -831,6 +832,8 @@ tcRecSelBinds :: [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)] -> TcM TcGblEnv
 tcRecSelBinds sel_bind_prs
   = tcExtendGlobalValEnv [sel_id | (L _ (IdSig _ sel_id)) <- sigs] $
     do { (rec_sel_binds, tcg_env) <- discardWarnings $
+                                     -- See Note [Impredicative record selectors]
+                                     setXOptM LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes $
                                      tcValBinds TopLevel binds sigs getGblEnv
        ; return (tcg_env `addTypecheckedBinds` map snd rec_sel_binds) }
@@ -1029,4 +1032,29 @@ The selector we want for fld looks like this:
 The scrutinee of the case has type :R7T (Maybe b), which can be
 gotten by applying the eq_spec to the univ_tvs of the data con.
+Note [Impredicative record selectors]
+There are situations where generating code for record selectors requires the
+use of ImpredicativeTypes. Here is one example (adapted from #18005):
+  type S = (forall b. b -> b) -> Int
+  data T = MkT {unT :: S}
+         | Dummy
+We want to generate HsBinds for unT that look something like this:
+  unT :: S
+  unT (MkT x) = x
+  unT _       = recSelError "unT"#
+Note that the type of recSelError is `forall r (a :: TYPE r). Addr# -> a`.
+Therefore, when used in the right-hand side of `unT`, GHC attempts to
+instantiate `a` with `(forall b. b -> b) -> Int`, which is impredicative.
+To make sure that GHC is OK with this, we enable ImpredicativeTypes interally
+when typechecking these HsBinds so that the user does not have to.
+Although ImpredicativeTypes is somewhat fragile and unpredictable in GHC right
+now, it will become robust when Quick Look impredicativity is implemented. In
+the meantime, using ImpredicativeTypes to instantiate the `a` type variable in
+recSelError's type does actually work, so its use here is benign.

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module Main where
+import T17151a
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  let ys :: Array P Int Int
+      ys = computeS (makeArray D 1 (const 5))
+      applyStencil ::
+           (Source P ix Int, Load D ix Int)
+        => Stencil ix Int Int
+        -> Array P ix Int
+        -> Array P ix Int
+      applyStencil s = computeS . mapStencil s
+  print (applyStencil (makeConvolutionStencilFromKernel ys) ys `unsafeIndex` 0)
+  print (applyStencil (makeConvolutionStencilFromKernel ys) ys `unsafeIndex` 0)

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+module T17151a
+  ( computeS
+  , Stencil
+  , P(..)
+  , D(..)
+  , makeConvolutionStencilFromKernel
+  , mapStencil
+  , Array
+  , Construct(..)
+  , Source(..)
+  , Load(..)
+  , Mutable(..)
+  ) where
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import GHC.STRef
+import GHC.ST
+import GHC.Exts
+import Unsafe.Coerce
+import Data.Kind
+----  Hacked up stuff to simulate primitive package
+class Prim e where
+  indexByteArray :: ByteArray -> Int -> e
+  sizeOf :: e ->Int
+instance Prim Int where
+  indexByteArray _ _ = 55
+  sizeOf _ = 99
+data ByteArray = BA
+type MutableByteArray s = STRef s Int
+class Monad m => PrimMonad m where
+  type PrimState m
+  primitive :: (State# (PrimState m) -> (# State# (PrimState m), a #)) -> m a
+instance PrimMonad (ST s) where
+  type PrimState (ST s) = s
+  primitive = ST
+unsafeFreezeByteArray :: PrimMonad m => MutableByteArray (PrimState m) -> m ByteArray
+unsafeFreezeByteArray a = return (unsafeCoerce a)
+newByteArray :: PrimMonad m => Int -> m (MutableByteArray (PrimState m))
+newByteArray (I# n#)
+  = primitive (\s# -> case newMutVar# 33 s# of
+                        (# s'#, arr# #) -> (# s'#, STRef arr# #))
+writeByteArray :: PrimMonad m => MutableByteArray (PrimState m) -> Int -> e -> m ()
+writeByteArray _ _ _ = return ()
+-----  End of hacked up stuff
+newtype Stencil ix e a =
+  Stencil ((ix -> e) -> ix -> a)
+mapStencil :: Source r ix e => Stencil ix e a -> Array r ix e -> Array D ix a
+mapStencil (Stencil stencilF) arr = DArray (size arr) (stencilF (unsafeIndex arr))
+{-# INLINE mapStencil #-}
+  :: (Source r ix e, Num e)
+  => Array r ix e
+  -> Stencil ix e e
+makeConvolutionStencilFromKernel arr = Stencil stencil
+  where
+    sz = size arr
+    sCenter = liftIndex (`quot` 2) sz
+    stencil getVal ix =
+      runIdentity $
+      loopM 0 (< totalElem sz) (+ 1) 0 $ \i a ->
+        pure $ accum a (fromLinearIndex sz i) (unsafeLinearIndex arr i)
+      where
+        ixOff = liftIndex2 (+) ix sCenter
+        accum acc kIx kVal = getVal (liftIndex2 (-) ixOff kIx) * kVal + acc
+        {-# INLINE accum #-}
+    {-# INLINE stencil #-}
+{-# INLINE makeConvolutionStencilFromKernel #-}
+computeS :: (Mutable r ix e, Load r' ix e) => Array r' ix e -> Array r ix e
+computeS arr = runST $ do
+  marr <- unsafeNew (size arr)
+  unsafeLoadIntoS marr arr
+  unsafeFreeze marr
+{-# INLINE computeS #-}
+data D = D deriving Show
+data instance  Array D ix e = DArray{dSize :: ix,
+                                     dIndex :: ix -> e}
+instance Index ix => Construct D ix e where
+  makeArray _ = DArray
+  {-# INLINE makeArray #-}
+instance Index ix => Source D ix e where
+  unsafeIndex = dIndex
+  {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+instance Index ix => Load D ix e where
+  size = dSize
+  {-# INLINE size #-}
+  loadArrayM arr = splitLinearlyWith_ (totalElem (size arr)) (unsafeLinearIndex arr)
+  {-# INLINE loadArrayM #-}
+data P = P deriving Show
+data instance Array P ix e = PArray ix ByteArray
+instance (Prim e, Index ix) => Construct P ix e where
+  makeArray _ sz f = computeS (makeArray D sz f)
+  {-# INLINE makeArray #-}
+instance (Prim e, Index ix) => Source P ix e where
+  unsafeIndex (PArray sz a) = indexByteArray a . toLinearIndex sz
+  {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+instance (Prim e, Index ix) => Mutable P ix e where
+  data MArray s P ix e = MPArray ix (MutableByteArray s)
+  unsafeFreeze (MPArray sz a) = PArray sz <$> unsafeFreezeByteArray a
+  {-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-}
+  unsafeNew sz = MPArray sz <$> newByteArray (totalElem sz * eSize)
+    where
+      eSize = sizeOf (undefined :: e)
+  {-# INLINE unsafeNew #-}
+  unsafeLinearWrite (MPArray _ ma) = writeByteArray ma
+  {-# INLINE unsafeLinearWrite #-}
+instance (Prim e, Index ix) => Load P ix e where
+  size (PArray sz _) = sz
+  {-# INLINE size #-}
+  loadArrayM arr = splitLinearlyWith_ (totalElem (size arr)) (unsafeLinearIndex arr)
+  {-# INLINE loadArrayM #-}
+unsafeLinearIndex :: Source r ix e => Array r ix e -> Int -> e
+unsafeLinearIndex arr = unsafeIndex arr . fromLinearIndex (size arr)
+{-# INLINE unsafeLinearIndex #-}
+loopM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
+loopM init' condition increment initAcc f = go init' initAcc
+  where
+    go step acc
+      | condition step = f step acc >>= go (increment step)
+      | otherwise = return acc
+{-# INLINE loopM #-}
+splitLinearlyWith_ ::
+     Monad m => Int -> (Int -> b) -> (Int -> b -> m ()) -> m ()
+splitLinearlyWith_ totalLength index write =
+  loopM 0 (< totalLength) (+1) () $ \i () -> write i (index i)
+{-# INLINE splitLinearlyWith_ #-}
+data family Array r ix e :: Type
+class Index ix => Construct r ix e where
+  makeArray :: r -> ix -> (ix -> e) -> Array r ix e
+class Load r ix e => Source r ix e where
+  unsafeIndex :: Array r ix e -> ix -> e
+class Index ix => Load r ix e where
+  size :: Array r ix e -> ix
+  loadArrayM :: Monad m => Array r ix e -> (Int -> e -> m ()) -> m ()
+  unsafeLoadIntoS ::
+       (Mutable r' ix e, PrimMonad m) => MArray (PrimState m) r' ix e -> Array r ix e -> m ()
+  unsafeLoadIntoS marr arr = loadArrayM arr (unsafeLinearWrite marr)
+  {-# INLINE unsafeLoadIntoS #-}
+class (Construct r ix e, Source r ix e) => Mutable r ix e where
+  data MArray s r ix e :: Type
+  unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> m (Array r ix e)
+  unsafeNew :: PrimMonad m => ix -> m (MArray (PrimState m) r ix e)
+  unsafeLinearWrite :: PrimMonad m => MArray (PrimState m) r ix e -> Int -> e -> m ()
+class (Eq ix, Ord ix, Show ix) =>
+      Index ix
+  where
+  totalElem :: ix -> Int
+  liftIndex2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix -> ix
+  liftIndex :: (Int -> Int) -> ix -> ix
+  toLinearIndex :: ix -> ix -> Int
+  fromLinearIndex :: ix -> Int -> ix
+instance Index Int where
+  totalElem = id
+  toLinearIndex _ = id
+  fromLinearIndex _ = id
+  liftIndex f = f
+  liftIndex2 f = f

@@ -92,3 +92,4 @@ test('T15840', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T15840a', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
 test('T16066', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, ['-O1'])
 test('T17206', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T17151', [], multimod_compile_and_run, ['T17151', ''])

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module T18005 where
+type S1 = Int -> (forall a. a -> a) -> Int
+data T1a = MkT1a {unT1a :: S1}
+         | Dummy1
+newtype T1b = MkT1b S1
+unT1b' :: T1b -> S1
+unT1b' (MkT1b x) = x
+pattern MkT1b' :: S1 -> T1b
+pattern MkT1b' {unT1b} <- (unT1b' -> unT1b)
+type S2 = Int -> forall a. a -> a
+data T2a = MkT2a {unT2a :: S2}
+         | Dummy2
+newtype T2b = MkT2b S2
+unT2b' :: T2b -> S2
+unT2b' (MkT2b x) = x
+pattern MkT2b' :: S2 -> T2b
+pattern MkT2b' {unT2b} <- (unT2b' -> unT2b)

@@ -701,3 +701,4 @@ test('T17710', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17792', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17024', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17021a', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T18005', normal, compile, [''])

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