Dependencies from .cabal files
Erik de Castro Lopo
mle+hs at
Wed Jul 1 07:49:02 EDT 2009
I'm subscribed, so please reply to the list.
Duncan Coutts wrote:
> It sounds like you want to select a particular valid configuration in
> which case you should use finalizePackageDescription.
I actually did try finalizePackageDescription before flattenPackageDescription
but I couldn't get it to typecheck. My attempt looked like this:
import qualified Distribution.System as DS
import qualified Distribution.Compiler as DC
finalize :: GenericPackageDescription -> PackageDescription
finalize generic = do
let compiler = DC.CompilerId DC.GHC (Version [6, 10, 3] [])
let flags = [(FlagName "splitBase", True)]
let r = finalizePackageDescription flags Nothing DS.Linux DS.I386 compiler [] generic
case r of
Left _ -> error $ show r
Right (d, _) -> d
which resulted in:
Ambiguous type variable `pkg' in the constraint:
`Package pkg'
arising from a use of `finalizePackageDescription'
at cabal2debian.hs:91:12-88
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
and unfortunately, my Haskell foo is not yet strong enough to figure this
one out.
> So you need to decide what you mean by getting dependencies. The method
> you use depends crucially on your purpose with the data.
Ok, since I'm trying to generate a Debian package metadata from the Cabal
metadata, finalize is definitely what I want. That just leaves me with
this type checking problem.
Erik de Castro Lopo
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