[Yhc] Fixes for issue 110 and 139

Stephan Hoermann s4076778 at student.uq.edu.au
Fri Jul 4 00:57:38 EDT 2008

Issue 139:
I fixed the typo, added some comments acknowledging GHC's code and added 
some testcases.
I added the testcases to tests/conformance98/float/show/Main.hs, since 
that seemed to be the most sensible place from what I could tell. 
However, the file labeled as broken.


Neil Mitchell wrote:
> Hi
>>  I have uploaded patches for issues 110 and 77
> Both look good, and should be applied. I currently don't have SSH
> access, so if someone else wants to download them and apply that would
> be fine. Otherwise I'll do it in a week and a half (when I am back in
> York - Tom, if you are around, post viva celebrations?)
>> Issue 139
>> (http://code.google.com/p/yhc/issues/detail?id=139). Can
>> someone please check them.
>>  For issue 139 I heavily borrowed from the GHC code to implement some of the
>> primitive functions for Floats and Doubles. Is that ok?
> Borrowing from GHC is fine, and probably the easiest thing to do. A
> couple of small points:
> 1) I see the line:
> +lobal_YHC'_Primitive''primDoubleIsIEEE a = unsafeJS "return false;"
> I'm going to assume that's missing a 'g'? Dimitry - does the
> Javascript stuff look right to you?
> 2) Can you add some pointer and acknowledgement to GHC, possibly
> saying which file in GHC you stole this stuff from. If it ever goes
> wrong in future, we can then go back and get them to fix it and steal
> their updated fixed :-)
> 3) Can you add a test suite item, just the example in the bug report,
> so we can make sure this doesn't go wrong and is well fixed.
>>  Also can someone please explain to me how multiplication for floats and
>> doubles is done. I can see the call to primIntMul for Integers but I haven't
>> found anything for floats and doubles.
> No idea, I'm afraid. Tom should know?
> Many thanks for taking the time to do these fixes,
> Neil

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