[Yhc] check if program uses haskell 98 only? Re: [Haskell-cafe] regex package for yhc?

Thomas Hartman thomas.hartman at db.com
Thu Dec 6 15:39:16 EST 2007

On a related note... is there some easy way to be sure that a program I am 
compiling uses only haskell 98? (Because any pure haskell 98 should always 
compile on yhc... right?)

Say I have 

module M where
import A

I compile this with ghc, no options, and iIt doesn't have any {-#-#} 
options, so according to what I understand, it is using pure haskell 98. 
So I might think this was a candidate for using on yhc.

However what if module M uses non-haskell 98 features, and I would want 
the compile to fail because it uses something beyond h98? (Which would 
warn me that attempting to migrate this to yhc is going to be Work at the 
least, maybe not doable at all at the worst.) Is there a way to do that?


Thomas Hartman/ext/dbcom at DBAmericas 
Sent by: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org
12/06/2007 03:21 PM

yhc at haskell.org, haskell-cafe at haskell.org

[Haskell-cafe] regex package for yhc?

Is there some way to use any of the various regex packages on hackage via 
yhc? Has anyone installed one them successfully? 

I'd like regex-tdfa, but would settle for regex-posix, or really, anything 
that brings the convenience of regex to yhc. 

In general, is there a straightforward way to install "extralibs" type 
packages for universal "import" availability in yhc? 

Is there a cabal equivalent for yhc? Documentation pointer would be 
appreciated; I searched but couldn't find anything. Maybe not using the 
right keywords... 



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