[Yhc] I think my buildbot is working, only it has an error now

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 08:06:01 EDT 2007

Hi Isaac

> it seems that yhc at haskell.org is no longer being spammed with buildbot
> failures

This is intentional. We now only send buildbot messages when a bot
goes from working -> failing. The idea was to eliminate spamming
people, especially if a bot is broken due to missing config changes

> and my buildbot hasn't started trying again in response to
> that commit, so I'm a little suspicious -- not that I really understand
> quite how it's "supposed to" work...

I've manually kicked off a build on your machine. However, I do think
it should have done so automatically by now (it polls every 10 minutes
to check if the darcs repo has changed).

Andrew: Does buildbot still check for changes? Has some service got
turned off or something?



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