[Yhc] examining yhc bytecode

Kartik Vaddadi itskartik at iitb.ac.in
Sat Sep 30 12:08:12 EDT 2006

Robert Dockins wrote:
> Can you give some more details about the problem?  Can you provide a 
> small hbc file that causes the problem for you?
OS: Windows XP SP2
architecture: x64 (in x86 compatibility mode)
I'm using the pre-built version of yhc; I didn't build it myself. The 
minor version of the hbc file is 0x0A.

> main = print (3 + f 2)
> f x = x
G:\projects\debugger>yhc test.hs

Compiling Main             ( test.hs )

> import Yhc.Bytecode.Version_1_9
> main =
>     (readFile "g:\\projects\\debugger\\Main.hbc") >>= 
> readLogicalModule >>= print
G:\projects\debugger\yhc-bytecode-0.2-source\src\Yhc\Bytecode>yhc inspect.hs

Compiling Main             ( inspect.hs )

G:\projects\debugger\yhc-bytecode-0.2-source\src\Yhc\Bytecode>yhi Main.hbc

Bad version

I've attached the hbc file which could not be disassembled.
I'm sorry if I did something stupid, and for not reporting this directly 
to Robert.
Thanks for your time.

Kartik Vaddadi.

Home: 			www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~kart
Blogs:                  kartik-log.blogspot.com, kartik-rlog.blogspot.com
Alternate mail ID:	kartik.vad at gmail.com

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