[Yhc] New Google Code Features

Andrew Wilkinson andrewjwilkinson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 04:41:35 EST 2006

> [ reproduced from:
> It's the time of year for giving, and thus I have the pleasure of giving
you two much-awaited gifts for Google Code's project
*> File Downloads* - this has been the most-requested feature since we
hosting here on Google Code. We knew it would be, but wanted to ship
earlier rather than
> later. We think you'll like what we did... *one-click downloads* and
scriptable uploads, as well as searchable summaries and labels.
*> Wikis* - all projects now have a tightly-integrated wiki appearing under
a new *Wiki* tab. The really cool thing here is that the content is stored
in your Subversion repository under the > /wiki/ directory. You can edit the
pages with your favorite editor and commit them with your favorite
Subversion <http://subversion.tigris.org/> client! Additionally, you can add
labels and page summaries to
> wiki pages for improved searching.
> We hope you will enjoy these new features - let us know<http://groups.google.com/group/google-code-hosting>what you think!
> Note: for an example, check out the GWT downloads<http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/downloads/list>or the Serf project's status
page <http://code.google.com/p/serf/wiki/SerfStatus>.
> -g


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