[Yhc] XML Bytecode specification

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 18:32:46 EST 2005


Since there are now several things with intimate knowledge of what the
bytecode looks like (Documentation, Java, Haskell*2, C, Python at
least) I thought I'd write an XML specification for the bytecode,
along with generators in XSL to generate all of these bindings. This
way if the bytecode does ever change, it will be less painful, and
hopefully it will be a little bit less work for everyone anyway.
Attached is a first version of this.

To run an XML+XSL to generate a file, windows users should probably
use msxsl (free download from MS) and Unix users can use Xalan,
although I'm not sure if there is anything better.

The generators including in this zip include:
 * Haskell - probably wrong, requires a library you certainly don't
have, I'll flesh this out in the future for the Haskell bytecode
 * C - can generate bytecodes.h perfectly
 * Python - does what I got asked to do with it
 * Documentation - http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~ndm/yhc/bytecodes.html
 * Java - not done. Brian: feel free to give me a spec and I'll write
you a .xsl file for it.

This .zip file will probably be added to the repo under
src/compiler98/ByteCode/data tomorrow.


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