[xmonad] Broken Xmonad after updates

Jan Detke jandetke at outlook.com
Sun Oct 22 19:03:41 UTC 2023

Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com> writes:

> I'm looking at that page, and aside from one slight documentation bug that
> doesn't really affect anything here it looks correct to me and shouldn't be
> able to get the wrong executable name unless something has gone wrong
> inside xmonad's compile logic. Although that also looks out of date: we
> support stack building directly, so xmonad should use essentially that
> build script itself when it sees a `stack.yaml` file.
> You probably want to use the latest version of the install documentation:
> https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/blob/master/INSTALL.md#build-using-stack
I found the executable under '$HOME/.cache/xmonad/'. Is this the intendet location for the executable? I assumed that it would reside in the directory where my xmonad.hs and the build script are located.

Additionally, I tried starting xmonad outside of my display manager that did not work out. I will look deeper into xinit for this regard - but as a short notice: I loggend in a tty, ran startx (with some warnings) and then xmonad. The received output was 'xmonad-x86_64-linux: user error (openDisplay)', which indicates that the xserver is not running properly.

I will try to fall back to my display manager by creating a desktop entry for xmonad under '/usr/share/xsessions/', but that is a task for tomorrow.

Thanks again

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