[xmonad] Broken Xmonad after updates

Jan Detke jandetke at outlook.com
Thu Oct 19 15:04:02 UTC 2023


today I moved my xmonad.hs config from $HOME/.xmonad to $HOME/.config/xmonad. After that I was unable to recompile xmonad. I then moved it back into $HOME/.xmonad but the issue was still persistent. It was unable to load the libraries even though I had not changed them at all.

After rebooting and updating the system I tried recompiling again with the following result:

xmonad --recompile --verbose
XMonad is recompiling and replacing itself with another XMonad process because the current process is called "xmonad" but the compiled configuration should be called "xmonad-x86_64-linux"
XMonad will use ghc to recompile, because neither "/home/jan/.xmonad/build" nor "/home/jan/.xmonad/stack.yaml" exists.
XMonad skipping recompile because it is not forced (e.g. via --recompile), and neither xmonad.hs nor any *.hs / *.lhs / *.hsc files in lib/ have been changed.
/home/jan/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux: error while loading shared libraries: libHSxmonad-contrib-0.17.1-2BxpGTW6opKG3sVOzMilq0-ghc9.0.2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So far I have read this issue https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/issues/301. I am wondering if this is the only option for me here too.

I installed Xmonad via pacman.

Best regards

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