[xmonad] Errors building Xmonad using Stack

Eyal Erez oneself at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 09:59:30 UTC 2022


After having a hard time getting xmonad installed via my destro, I've
followed the "Building using Stack" instructions online (
https://xmonad.org/INSTALL.html). The build seemed to have worked okay.
However, when I try to start xmonad with my config file, I get many import
errors. I've checked out the tagged versions v0.15 of xmonad and v0.16 of
xmonad-contrib. Has the libraries changed at some point or is the compiled
version having a hard time finding them? Is the problem in how I'm building
xmonad or in my configuration?

Errors: https://pastebin.com/auFthRnJ
xmonad.hs: https://pastebin.com/AeQjyVVB

Thank you

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