[xmonad] Configuration Issue version 0.17
Michael Needham
jmikeneedham at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 21:10:57 UTC 2022
Hello all:
I am not sure how I borked my xmonad been trying to configure it to run
trayer xmobar and dmenu and started working with it today.
I added workspaces to the config and now it appears this has borked my
xmobar. I am simply trying to get xmobar to show the workspaces. Xmobar
starts and then quits I can restart from terminal but the minute I close
the terminal it disappears again. I have to assume I am doing something
wrong as it worked before the workspaces. please see both config files
Config { overrideRedirect = False
, font = "xft:ubunutu"
, bgColor = "#5f5f5f"
, fgColor = "#f8f8f2"
, position = TopW L 90
, commands = [ Run Weather "KMCI"
[ "--template", "<weather> <tempC>°C"
, "-L", "0"
, "-H", "25"
, "--low" , "lightblue"
, "--normal", "#f8f8f2"
, "--high" , "red"
] 36000
, Run Cpu
[ "-L", "3"
, "-H", "50"
, "--high" , "red"
, "--normal", "green"
] 10
, Run Alsa "default" "Master"
[ "--template", "<volumestatus>"
, "--suffix" , "True"
, "--"
, "--on", ""
, Run Memory ["--template", "Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
, Run Swap [] 10
, Run Date "%a %Y-%m-%d <fc=#8be9fd>%H:%M</fc>" "date"
, Run XMonadLog
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%XMonadLog% }{ %alsa:default:Master% | %cpu% |
%memory% * %swap% | %KMCI% | %date% "
Config { overrideRedirect = False
, font = "xft:ubunutu"
, bgColor = "#5f5f5f"
, fgColor = "#f8f8f2"
, position = TopW L 90
, commands = [ Run Weather "KMCI"
[ "--template", "<weather> <tempC>°C"
, "-L", "0"
, "-H", "25"
, "--low" , "lightblue"
, "--normal", "#f8f8f2"
, "--high" , "red"
] 36000
, Run Cpu
[ "-L", "3"
, "-H", "50"
, "--high" , "red"
, "--normal", "green"
] 10
, Run Alsa "default" "Master"
[ "--template", "<volumestatus>"
, "--suffix" , "True"
, "--"
, "--on", ""
, Run Memory ["--template", "Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
, Run Swap [] 10
, Run Date "%a %Y-%m-%d <fc=#8be9fd>%H:%M</fc>" "date"
, Run XMonadLog
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%XMonadLog% }{ %alsa:default:Master% | %cpu% |
%memory% * %swap% | %KMCI% | %date% "
Hope someone can tell me to revert back or properly add workspaces. I
really only want clickable workspaces and launch a terminal on ws 2 and
also volume control in trayer with the pipewire controls for proaudio (like
gnome volume control or KDE Plasman pa.
Thanks in advance and hope someone can see where it went wrong.
Thanks in advnace.
Kind Regards,
*Michael Needham*
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