[xmonad] Full-screen messes up tabs on google chrome

Platon Pronko platon7pronko at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 16:32:44 UTC 2021


I went even further - I killed xmobar entirely (and two another dock-like applications I use).
The issue still persists if Chrome window is not occupying entire screen space (e.g. if it is tiled alongside another or was floated and resized).
If the Chrome window occupies the entire screen space then the issue is not triggered. The issue is also not triggered if I run xmobar, but use win+B to toggle struts off (thus Chrome again occupies the entire screen space).

Here's screenshots from my setup (without xmobar):

Before fullscreen: https://ibb.co/5xHskxz
During fullscreen: https://ibb.co/S509Rrr
After fullscreen: https://ibb.co/gg6hYyZ

The issue does not reproduce for you?

Best regards,
Platon Pronko

On 2021-07-03 19:10, Tomas Janousek wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 07:06:10PM +0300, Platon Pronko wrote:
>     Tomas, I tried your suggestion about xmobar - doesn't seem to be the issue, different settings had no effect.
> That's truly weird. Can you post your .xmobarrc and the output of |xwininfo -root -tree|? xmobar should be the last window in the list.
> One might also try |checkDock --> doLower| in their manageHook, which does the same thing as xmobar with lowering on start enabled.
> -- 
> Tomáš "liskin" ("Pivník") Janoušek, https://work.lisk.in/

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