[xmonad] xmonad on ubuntu desktop environment

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Sat Oct 20 18:34:41 UTC 2018

Steve writes:

> Hello, I got a new computer and install ubuntu to 18.04 (Bionic
> Beaver). When i login through xmonad, my ubuntu desktop environment
> disappears, it's all black. No wallpaper, no tray, no nothing.

What happens if you choose the "GNOME Flashback (Xmonad)" session when
logging in, instead of the "XMonad" session?

The xmonad package in Ubuntu includes two xsessions, one with xmonad
only and one with "GNOME Flashback" (which I guess means fallback) and

 · https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/xmonad/filelist

  Best regards,


 "Och när jag blundar hörs din röst                           Adam Sjøgren
  Jag kan inte se ditt ansikte                           asjo at koldfront.dk
  Det var det jag glömde först"

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