[xmonad] Termite does not work as scratchpad

e.a.gebhart at gmail.com e.a.gebhart at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 17:32:03 UTC 2017

It doesn't seem to make any difference which call I use. It doesn't work
either way.  It works both ways with urxvt.

All the other calls are actually using named scratchpad, and those calls
are the same as all the examples I've been able to find.

Here's one example. https://pbrisbin.com/posts/scratchpad_everything/


Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 1:23 AM, <e.a.gebhart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's part of XMonad.Util.Scratchpad
> Now I have to wonder if my browser is broken; I even did a search on the
> page to make sure....
> In any case, the description confirms my suspicion: you do not want to use
> that here. The purpose of that action is to allow you to more easily run as
> a scratchpad something that requires a terminal --- not to use the terminal
> itself as a scratchpad. Use the normal scratchpadSpawnAction for that. In
> fact, you might want to use scratchpadSpawnActionTerminal for the other
> actions instead of this one.

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