[xmonad] Default Floating Window Criteria (rdesktop)

Jason Schulz jason at schulz.name
Sun Mar 6 21:05:24 UTC 2016

> There is also a built-in criterion: if a window declares its default size,
> minimum size, and maximum size the same (see WM_NORMAL_HINTS in xprop) then
> xmonad floats it because it cannot satisfy a fixed window size with a tile
> whose size depends on the tiling algorithm as modified by tabs, struts,
> etc. 

Thanks Brandon.  I thought that might be what's happening.  I checked with xprop
and rdesktop does set WM_NORMAL_HINTS.

Is there a simple way to sink a window through manageHook?  XMonad.ManageHook
has a doFloat, but no corresponding doSink.


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