[xmonad] Floating Terminator moves 1px everytime

Jeroen Budts jeroen at budts.be
Sat Apr 23 19:54:25 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I started experimenting with xmonad as the window manager for XFCE  a
few days ago (having used the default xfwm4 for several years), so I'm
very new to xmonad, Haskell and tiling window managers in general.

I use Terminator as my terminal, but i have configured it so I can use
it 'quake-style': with xfwm4 it appears over my other windows when I
press <F12> and disappears when pressing <F12> again.

To simulate this same behavior in xmonad I configured Terminator to
always float. This works, but every time I hide and open the Terminator
window again it moves 1 pixel to the right and bottom. Initially it is
to the left edge of the screen and just below the xfce-panel, but after
using it a few times there is a 'gap' between the edge of the screen and
terminator and between xfce-panel and terminator.
I have no idea what is causing this, any help would be much appreciated :)

Here is my xmonad.hs config:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Config.Xfce
import XMonad.Layout.Spacing
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks

myLayout = spacing 5 $ layoutHook xfceConfig

myManageHook = composeAll
                [ className =? "Terminator"        --> doFloat
                , className =? "Thunderbird"       --> doShift "1"
                , className =? "Firefox"           --> doShift "2"
                , className =? "Spotify"           --> doShift "9"
                , className =? "Banshee"           --> doShift "9"]

main = xmonad xfceConfig
         { modMask = mod4Mask
         , terminal = "xfce4-terminal"
         , layoutHook = myLayout
         , manageHook    = myManageHook <+> manageHook xfceConfig <+>
manageDocks -- uses default too
         , focusedBorderColor = "#2d5682"
         , borderWidth = 3

Thx for any help!

website: http://budts.be/ - twitter: @teranex
Registered Linux User #482240 - GetFirefox.com - ubuntu.com

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