[xmonad] Mirrored keybindings with mirrored layout

Andreas Doll fuseki at posteo.de
Mon Apr 11 14:20:16 UTC 2016


I use the ResizableTall layout and configured key bindings for resizing
windows which resemble vim movements:

    ("M-S-j",   sendMessage MirrorShrink)
    ("M-S-k",   sendMessage MirrorExpand)
    ("M-S-h",   sendMessage Shrink)
    ("M-S-l",   sendMessage Expand)
Now when I use a mirrored variant of this layout, the key bindings are
mirrored as well - meaning that j/k change the window size horizontally and
h/k vertically.

Is it possible to keep the original behaviour also in the mirrored layout variant?

Best regards,

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