[xmonad] Issue 588 in xmonad: xmonad --restart doesn't seem to work

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Jan 22 04:46:48 UTC 2015

Comment #2 on issue 588 by tmartin.... at gmail.com: xmonad --restart doesn't  
seem to work

I'm aware of the override on mod-q, I put it in to make each restart work  
cleanly.  I should add that it was working fine and stopped working for  
reasons I can't fathom.  AFAIK, when I restart, the xmonad that is being  
run is the compiled version that cabal puts in ~/.cabal/bin/, which folder  
is in my path and contains the only xmonad binary.  I'm not running the  
xmonad-x86_64-linux compiled into ~/.xmonad/ explicitly, but typing xmonad  
--restart into a terminal, with no observable effect.

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