[xmonad] Issue 588 in xmonad: xmonad --restart doesn't seem to work

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Jan 22 02:19:42 UTC 2015

Comment #1 on issue 588 by allber... at gmail.com: xmonad --restart doesn't  
seem to work

For one, you are overriding the default mod-q. This override (a) relies  
on "xmonad --restart" and (b) will fail if any of the "pkill" commands  
fails, because they are chained together with "&&".

That said, I don't see where this is preventing the "restart" mechanism...  
unless you are perhaps running the compiled config executable directly;  
this does not process the --restart parameter, only the main executable  

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