[xmonad] [xmonad-contrib] XMonad.Prompt.Pass patch

Alexander Sulfrian alexander at sulfrian.net
Mon Jan 5 14:22:30 UTC 2015

On Thu, 2014-12-18 at 23:25 +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Dear ardumont,


> I started using pass and was about to implement a prompt on my own when
> I noticed that you already did something in that direction. But from
> reading the code, I have a some worries:
> I’d expect the
>         getPasswords :: String -> IO [String]
>         getPasswords passwordStoreDir = liftM (map takeBaseName) $ getDirectoryContents passwordStoreDir
> to break if the passwords are stored in subdirectories. I believe you
> need to recursively traverse the directory.
> It would be cleaner if you could simply ask pass for the list of
> passwords, but that does not seem to be possible. Maybe you should
> contact the author and suggest a new parameter to "pass list" that would
> change the output to be a simple list, instead of the tree output.

I use something like this to get a list of all passwords:

    getPasswords :: String -> IO [String]
    getPasswords passwordStoreDir = do
      files <- runProcessWithInput "find" [
        "-type", "f",
        "-name", "*.gpg",
        "-printf", "%P\n"] []
      return $ map removeGpgExtension $ lines files

    removeGpgExtension :: String -> String
    removeGpgExtension file =
      if isSuffixOf ".gpg" file then
        reverse $ drop 4 $ reverse file

It is not relay nice, but it works.

> Also, code like
> selectPassword passLabel = spawn $ "pass --clip " ++ passLabel
> could be a problem if the password label contains shell characters.
> You probably want to use safeSpawn from XMonad.Util.Run.
> Greetings,
> Joachim


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