[xmonad] darcs patch: Split out the X event get function from xmonad.

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 16:24:25 UTC 2015

Hi Lally,

I think the way you're proposing a change is just fine.

Does your patch work properly for you? You left out a call to
nextEvent which xmonad currently does. I would have written:

defaultEventGetter :: XEventPtr -> X Event
defaultEventGetter evPtr = do
 d <- asks display
 io $ do
    nextEvent d evPtr
    getEvent evPtr

Secondly, I would have added eventGetter as a field in XConfig, since
it doesn't scale to have


etc. functions.

Finally, do you have an example of something you can do with the
eventGetter that cannot be done with handleEventHook?


On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Lally Singh <lally.singh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
>  Please tell me what you think, of both the patch and the process I'm
> sending this in-by.  First time for both.
> Thanks!
> 1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/xmonad:
> Thu Feb 26 10:22:06 EST 2015  lally.singh at gmail.com
>   * Split out the X event get function from xmonad.
>   This lets xmonad users specify their own functions that get the next X
> event,
>   and consequently have access to the Display and run in xmonad's thread.
> Useful
>   for providing such access to other threads.
> New patches:
> [Split out the X event get function from xmonad.
> lally.singh at gmail.com**20150226152206
>  Ignore-this: de10517364b9c642552ff62ebb614d28
>  This lets xmonad users specify their own functions that get the next X
> event,
>  and consequently have access to the Display and run in xmonad's thread.
> Useful
>  for providing such access to other threads.
> ] {
> hunk ./src/XMonad/Main.hs 49
>  -- The main entry point
>  --
>  xmonad :: (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> IO ()
> -xmonad initxmc = do
> +xmonad initxmc = xmonad' defaultEventGetter initxmc
> +
> +-- | Default X event getter.
> +defaultEventGetter :: Display -> XEventPtr -> X Event
> +defaultEventGetter _ = io . getEvent
> +
> +-- | Actual entry point, with a parameter for the X event getter.  The
> getter
> +-- has access to the X event loop.
> +xmonad' :: (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => (Display -> XEventPtr
> -> X Event) -> XConfig l -> IO ()
> +xmonad' eventGetter initxmc = do
>      -- setup locale information from environment
>      setLocale LC_ALL Nothing
>      -- ignore SIGPIPE and SIGCHLD
> hunk ./src/XMonad/Main.hs 158
>              userCode $ startupHook initxmc
>              -- main loop, for all you HOF/recursion fans out there.
> -            forever $ prehandle =<< io (nextEvent dpy e >> getEvent e)
> +            forever $ prehandle =<< eventGetter dpy e
>      return ()
>        where
> }
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