[xmonad] Issue 573 in xmonad: XMonad.Util.XSelection.getSelection leaks a handle to the X server

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Jun 1 00:05:17 UTC 2014

Comment #6 on issue 573 by allber... at gmail.com:  
XMonad.Util.XSelection.getSelection leaks a handle to the X server

This transcript from IRC explains what's going on here and why this (and  
the infamous putSelection previously eliminated from the module) cannot  
work as written.

[31 21:34] * geekosaur also finds another potential putSelection-style  
deadlock in the code... furrfu
[31 21:34] <geekosaur> XSelection needs to be taken out and shot. but one  
done correctly will not in any way be compatible and will annoy users
[31 21:35] <geekosaur> because it needs to use callbacks
[31 21:35] <geekosaur> people think selection manipulation is something  
that can trivially be done synchronously
[31 21:35] <geekosaur> X11 disagrees and will happily deadlock you
[31 21:36] <pharaun> ouch
[31 21:37] <kaol> XSelections are held by an X client until someone comes  
and asks them what it is.
[31 21:37] <geekosaur> sure, then there's a negotiation
[31 21:38] <geekosaur> so, one (uncommon but possible) way to deadlock  
xmonad in the current getSelection is to kill the client holding the  
selection before it can receive or respond to the SelectionRequest event
[31 21:38] <geekosaur> getSelection will loop forever looking for an event  
that will never arrive
[31 21:39] <geekosaur> a way you could trigger this practically is by  
trying to use it when the selection happens to be held by something which  
is advertising a non-text selection
[31 21:41] <geekosaur> if it has a bug where receiving a request for  
UTF8_STRING causes it to crash (either because it's not expecting it /  
naïvely assumes it will always receive an appropriate request, or because  
it crashes trying to come up with a suitable text response)
[31 21:50] <pharaun> i *noticed* the xselection being held by a xclient  
[31 21:50] <pharaun> i used to select then close and try to paste and was  
like ... its not working??
[31 21:51] <kaol> Yes. That's one effect of it.
[31 21:51] <pharaun> well that explains why
[31 21:51] <geekosaur> yes, the selection isn't a pasteboard/container,  
it's just an advertisement
[31 21:51] <pharaun> yeah
[31 21:52] <pharaun> i'm not the most familiar with x11 protocol so didn't  
know that but after noticing that effect i adjusted my flow slightly and  
never had a issue since
[31 21:52] <geekosaur> clients respond to the ad by sending a selection  
request saying "I'd like your selection in one of these formats" and then  
they haggle until they either settle on a mutually acceptable format or  
abort by not responding
[31 21:54] <geekosaur> nobody actually uses it this way, which is why you  
get copy image location / copy image in a browser instead of just a copy  
image and if you then paste it as a string you get the location
[31 21:54] <geekosaur> people don't think the way X11 selections were  
[31 21:55] <pharaun> that seems unfortunate
[31 21:55] <pharaun> because it seems like it would be neat esp being able  
to haggle which format they want
[31 21:57] <geekosaur> the envisioned behavior was that when you go to  
paste it, it can display a menu of various formats you might want,  
including multiple string formats (so, for an HTML editor, you might want  
to pick between an image URL vs. a prebuilt <img> link)
[31 21:57] <geekosaur> ideas that never happened
[31 21:57] <geekosaur> (like Windows' "Paste Special" only done right)
[31 22:07] <pharaun> oh yeah windows paste special, i remember that
[31 22:07] <pharaun> i wonder how come it never happened?
[31 22:07] <pharaun> too complicated?
[31 22:08] <geekosaur> like I said, nobody understood it
[31 22:08] <pharaun> :\
[31 22:09] <geekosaur> people write code like XMonad.Util.XSelection that  
completely do not understand how selections work and therefore can't  
imagine those possibilities
[31 22:09] <pharaun> :\
[31 22:10] <geekosaur> people think of selections as mailboxes, not as  
haggling. the thing in the mailbox can't change form for whatever picks it  
up, it's fixed when it's mailed
[31 22:11] <pharaun> ahhh
[31 22:11] <pharaun> looking at that code now, its yeah ok
[31 22:12] <geekosaur> I don't think it's too complicated really, it's just  
that nobody thinks about it right, they expect mailboxes so that's what  
they end up with
[31 22:13] <pharaun> heh and if everyone is going to think like that,  
you're not going to be able to do the haggling anyway
[31 22:13] <geekosaur> which might be a documentation problem, maybe on the  
part of the toolkit folks --- I have not looked at how gtk handles  
selections but I bet it uses that mailbox model
[31 22:13] <pharaun> ahh
[31 22:14] <geekosaur> especially since CLIPBOARD can't seem to decide  
which it is --- it does some things like a mailbox and some like haggling
[31 22:14] <geekosaur> whereas PRIMARY is a haggling model

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