[xmonad] dmenu tab completion

Tyler Smith tyler at plantarum.ca
Fri Jan 17 03:41:59 UTC 2014


A few notes about the problem I described below. I referred to tab 
completion in xmobar - of course I should have said dmenu. The problem 
(dmenu lacking tab completion of any sort) persists, even after 
completely purging all xmonad and haskell packages from Debian and 
reinstalling. A similar problem is described here: 

 From the forum post, the problem was resolved, but without any clear 
suggestions as to how or why. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to 
fix this?



On 10/01/14 06:44 PM, Tyler Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using xmonad for a few weeks. After updating via aptitude 
> on Debian unstable a few days ago, xmobarno longer offers 
> tab-completions. It still works, but I have to ype out the whole 
> command name. The colour of the bar is now black as well.
> I found some discussion of this on a forum. A solution was to rebuild 
> xmonad. Not knowing Haskell, I'm not sure how to do this.
> Is there another solution? If not, how do I rebuild xmonad - is this 
> even possible with the Debian package, or do I need to install from 
> source?

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