[xmonad] darcs patch: X.L.Master: Add FixMaster layout modifier

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 04:41:53 UTC 2014

Thanks Anton, I've applied your patch

On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Anton Vorontsov <anton at enomsg.org> wrote:
> 1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/XMonadContrib:
> Fri Dec 19 17:13:39 PST 2014  Anton Vorontsov <anton at enomsg.org>
>   * X.L.Master: Add FixMaster layout modifier
>   This layout modifier is useful for the case if you desire to add a master
>   pane that has fixed width (it's fixed even if there is just one window
>   opened). Especially nice feature if you don't want to have too wide
>   terminal in a master pane.
>   The layout is implemented as an addition to Master layout, so it reuses
>   most of the code.
> [X.L.Master: Add FixMaster layout modifier
> Anton Vorontsov <anton at enomsg.org>**20141220011339
>  Ignore-this: 82e9736853287f753248af41843ceb6b
>  This layout modifier is useful for the case if you desire to add a master
>  pane that has fixed width (it's fixed even if there is just one window
>  opened). Especially nice feature if you don't want to have too wide
>  terminal in a master pane.
>  The layout is implemented as an addition to Master layout, so it reuses
>  most of the code.
> ] {
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 21
>      -- $usage
>      mastered,
> +    fixMastered,
>      multimastered,
>      AddMaster,
>  ) where
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 29
>  import XMonad
>  import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S
>  import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
> +import Control.Monad
>  -- $usage
>  -- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 41
>  --
>  -- > mastered (1/100) (1/2) $ Grid
>  --
> +-- Or if you prefer to have a master with fixed width:
> +--
> +-- > fixMastered (1/100) (1/2) $ Grid
> +--
>  -- Or if you want multiple (here two) master windows from the beginning:
>  --
>  -- > multimastered 2 (1/100) (1/2) $ Grid
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 62
>  -- layout
>  data AddMaster a = AddMaster Int Rational Rational deriving (Show, Read)
> --- | Modifier which converts given layout to a mastered one
>  multimastered :: (LayoutClass l a) =>
>         Int -- ^ @k@, number of master windows
>      -> Rational -- ^ @delta@, the ratio of the screen to resize by
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 78
>  mastered delta frac = multimastered 1 delta frac
>  instance LayoutModifier AddMaster Window where
> -    modifyLayout (AddMaster k delta frac) = applyMaster k delta frac
> +    modifyLayout (AddMaster k delta frac) = applyMaster False k delta frac
>      modifierDescription _               = "Mastered"
>      pureMess (AddMaster k delta frac) m
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 88
>      pureMess _ _ = Nothing
> +data FixMaster a = FixMaster (AddMaster a) deriving (Show, Read)
> +
> +instance LayoutModifier FixMaster Window where
> +    modifyLayout (FixMaster (AddMaster k d f)) = applyMaster True k d f
> +    modifierDescription (FixMaster a) = "Fix" ++ modifierDescription a
> +    pureMess (FixMaster a) m = liftM FixMaster (pureMess a m)
> +
> +fixMastered :: (LayoutClass l a) =>
> +       Rational -- ^ @delta@, the ratio of the screen to resize by
> +    -> Rational -- ^ @frac@, what portion of the screen to use for the master window
> +    -> l a      -- ^ the layout to be modified
> +    -> ModifiedLayout FixMaster l a
> +fixMastered delta frac = ModifiedLayout . FixMaster $ AddMaster 1 delta frac
> +
>  -- | Internal function for adding a master window and let the modified
>  -- layout handle the rest of the windows
>  applyMaster :: (LayoutClass l Window) =>
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 105
> -                  Int
> +                  Bool
> +               -> Int
>                 -> Rational
>                 -> Rational
>                 -> S.Workspace WorkspaceId (l Window) Window
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 112
>                 -> Rectangle
>                 -> X ([(Window, Rectangle)], Maybe (l Window))
> -applyMaster k _ frac wksp rect = do
> +applyMaster f k _ frac wksp rect = do
>      let st= S.stack wksp
>      let ws = S.integrate' $ st
> hunk ./XMonad/Layout/Master.hs 115
> -    let n = length ws
> +    let n = length ws + fromEnum f
>      if n > 1 then do
>          if(n<=k) then
>               return ((divideCol rect ws), Nothing)
> }
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