[xmonad] How to start xmonad with lxde?

jenia.ivlev jenia.ivlev at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 02:27:01 UTC 2014

Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com>

> On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 9:02 PM, jenia.ivlev
> <jenia.ivlev at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Thanks very much. I think it worked. But I must admit that I
>     though, for
>     some reason, that xmonad will start lxde and I will have all the
>     normal
>     lxde features (like program's bar on the buttom and so on).
>     Instead, it
>     only started the terminal from lxde. Can you please tell me, how
>     do I
>     start a full lxde Desktop Environment with xmonad?
> In general, you have to use the desktop environment to start the
> window manager, not the other way around; the window manager must be
> controlled by the desktop manager's session manager. The xmonad
> configuration you were given just minimally configures monad to play
> well with most desktop managers, but without any integration beyond
> using the LXDE terminal; in particular, it won't configure mod-shift-q
> to shut down the LXDE session, and the session manager will usually
> just restart the window manager if it exits so mod-shift-q will end up
> being the same as mod-q.
> Your xmonad.hs is the one from section 3 of
> https://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_LXDE but
> you also need the file from section 2 to configure LXDE to start
> xmonad; then you use "startlxde" as normal to start an LXDE session
> with xmonad as the window manager. I would use a slightly more
> detailed xmonad.hs to fix the mod-shift-q issue, though:
>     import XMonad
>     import XMonad.Config.Desktop
>     import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
>     main = xmonad $ desktopConfig { terminal = "lxterminal" }
>                     `additionalKeysP`
>                     [("M-S-q", spawn "lxsession-logout")
> (The above is also available as http://lpaste.net/116981)

Okay, thanks very much Brandon

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