[xmonad] Issue 350 in xmonad: Investigate using Dyre for xmonad configuration

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Dec 2 20:05:09 UTC 2014

Comment #12 on issue 350 by woozlet... at gmail.com: Investigate using Dyre  
for xmonad configuration

I was playing around a little with replacing the baked-in recompilation  
with that from dyre. Relaunching does not seem to work reliably as  
recompilation crashes xmonad/X. This only happens when I change the  
configuration file. My guess is that the relaunch facilities are not  
compatible with the `executeFile` calls which are currently used. It's the  
same issue as mentioned in #7. The second feature mentioned there is now  
the default in Dyre.

     Configuration '/home/saep/.xmonad/xmonad.hs' changed. Recompiling.
     xmonad: waitForProcess: does not exist (No child processes)

The attached patch still uses the command line arguments to pass the state  
on restart. I don't think it is worthwile to addres any outstanding issue  
unless the recompilation works properly.

	recompilation-with-dyre.dpatch  23.3 KB

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