[xmonad] darcs patch: Add Stoppable layout for power saving

Anton Vorontsov anton at enomsg.org
Sun Aug 31 07:46:50 UTC 2014

On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 09:35:41AM +0400, Paul Fertser wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 04:50:03PM -0700, Anton Vorontsov wrote:
> > > On an unrelated note, where do you get opportunities to apply your
> > > Haskell skills?
> > 
> > I do some AI/BCI research using Haskell, but it's for my own fun.
> > Commercially I don't apply it anywhere. :)
> I thought you were a Moscow embedded developer hacking on old iPAQs
> and now you appear to be writing perfect English and sophisticated
> Haskell from a PDT location, what a surprise! I'm glad to hear you're
> having fun :)


> This is from my pretty standard Gentoo install, and the same result on
> another Debian machine too:
> Prelude System.Posix.Env> getEnv `mapM` ["XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME","HOST","HOSTNAME"]
> [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]
> paul at laptop ~ $ env | egrep '(XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME|HOST|HOSTNAME)'
> paul at laptop ~ $

Wow. Well, it just means that you have to create one. After poking around,
I now see that XMonad/Layout/OnHost.hs talks about the same thing... It
also contains a good idea: we can just set it in the config file itself.

No doubt that I should document it, though. Similar to




The proper way to handle remote clients is a little bit more trickier,
especially considering that the hostname might be changing.

For this, we have to check current hostname and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE at the
window creation time. If they are equal, then it is the local window and
we have to store some flag for future use (since WM_CLIENT_MACHINE and
hostname can diverge later on).

But that would require a new dependency either in xmonad, or in a config
file (better)...

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