[xmonad] Issue 97 in xmonad: xmonad stops responding to keyboard input after running xscreensaver

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Apr 1 02:37:10 UTC 2014

Comment #38 on issue 97 by beyer... at gmail.com: xmonad stops responding to  
keyboard input after running xscreensaver

I strongly suspect that the issue is related to keyboard focus, based on  
this log from my xsession:

xscreensaver: 19:20:55: couldn't grab keyboard!  (AlreadyGrabbed)
xscreensaver: 19:20:59: couldn't grab pointer!  (AlreadyGrabbed)

I know of a few workarounds, although the latter is somewhat tedious.

1) If you are using TwoPane, simply focus the other window with the mouse  
and it should regain keyboard focus.

2) If that doesn't work, go into a console (ex. Ctrl+Alt+F1..F[N]), set  
your DISPLAY environment variable to your regular display and execute an  
arbitrary GUI application  (I use xterm), and then you should regain  
keyboard focus.  Once you're done with that, log off on the console, and  
close the redundant application.

I wouldn't say it's a bug with xscreensaver per-se, or at least, it was  
easier in wmii to regain keyboard focus.  I don't think it affects  
non-tiling window managers at all.

I'm working on software with timed locking like xidle for my screen locker,  
metaidle.  (I would suspect that the main reason why xscreensaver is  
preferred over other tools is due to the daemon's ability to accept pings  
via xscreenaver-cmd -deactivate)

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