[xmonad] Issue 546 in xmonad: Suggested improvement to CycleRecentWS for multiple screens
codesite-noreply at google.com
codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri May 31 03:09:48 CEST 2013
Comment #1 on issue 546 by byor... at gmail.com: Suggested improvement to
CycleRecentWS for multiple screens
I actually already have something similar to this in my xmonad.hs, defined
like this:
cycleRecentWS' = cycleWindowSets options
where options w = map (W.view `flip` w) (recentTags w)
recentTags w = map W.tag $ W.hidden w ++ [W.workspace (W.current w)]
Mine actually *excludes* the visible but non-focused workspaces from the
cycle. I guess my worry is that there are quite a few different ways to do
this sort of thing, and if we change cycleRecentWS it will be what some
people want but not others. However, I would be OK with including some
variants like the ones above, with names like cycleRecentHiddenWS and so
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