[xmonad] My hack to allow disabling of numlock without messing with my xmonad mod key

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 11:30:24 CET 2013

Thank you to you all for trying to help me solve this issue.

I tried going down the setxkbmap route, but after several hours of failing
I went with the simplest possible solution: I re-mapped <NMLK> to a keycode
that apparently only triggers on Japanese keyboards. This works a charm, as
long as I don't use a Japanese keyboard, in which case I will then toggle
numlock on some to me unknown key.  :D

The "fix" was extremely simple: Edit the <NMLK> = 77; line in
/etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev and restart X. Numlock is now dead as a
doorknob, at least on my Danish keyboard.

I understand that this is not really the right way to do things, but since
I simply could not figure out how to do this the right way, I'm going to
have to settle. And at least I'm not using xmodmap!

Thomas Løcke

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Jochen Keil <jochen.keil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm sending this to the list as well, maybe someone else will find it
> useful too.
> On 20.03.2013 22:07, Thomas Løcke wrote:
> > Great link, and yes I would be very grateful for your commented
> config.  :)
> It's not very sophisticated and does only a few simple things:
> Map 'Menu' to Mod4 and
> Replace 'Caps Lock' with Escape
> I also had Caps Lock to set the 'Ctrl' modifier together with sending
> the 'Escape' keysym which work fine. However, I didn't like the
> behaviour so I turned it off again.
> It is really important to set the directory structure properly, e.g.
> like so (this was one source for headache):
> .xkb
> ├── keymap
> │   └── default -> /home/jrk/.xkb/keymap/default
> └── symbols
>     ├── capslock -> /home/jrk/.xkb/symbols/capslock
>     └── modmap -> /home/jrk/.xkb/symbols/modmap
> xkbcomp is also very peculiar on how it wants to be called. You can try
> and fiddle around with the include paths, but I remember it being quite
> cumbersome.
> # xkbcomp -I${HOME}/.xkb ${HOME}/.xkb/keymap/default $DISPLAY
> symbols/capslock:
> // Replace Caps Lock with Escape
> // hidden: a variant that can only be used within the configuration file
> // partial: not a complete keymap, used to augment/modify other maps
> partial hidden modifier_keys
> xkb_symbols "capsescape" {
>     replace key <CAPS> {
>         type[Group1] = "ONE_LEVEL",
>         symbols[Group1] = [ Escape ]
>         // this would additionally set the 'Ctrl' modifier
>         // (notice the comma after 'Escape')
>         // key names like Escape are taken from
>         // /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h without the 'XK_' prefix
>         // symbols[Group1] = [ Escape ],
>         // actions[Group1] = [ SetMods(modifiers=Control) ]
>     };
> };
> symbols/modmap:
> // you can have more than definition here, depends on with one you load
> // in your keymap file
> partial hidden modifier_keys
> xkb_symbols "mod1" {
>     modifier_map Mod1 { Menu };
> };
> partial hidden modifier_keys
> xkb_symbols "menu" {
>     modifier_map Mod4 { Menu };
> };
> keymap/default:
> // kind of a minimal complete definition
> // required: xkb_{keycodes,types,compat,symbols}
> default xkb_keymap "default" {
>     // re
>     xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
>     xkb_types     { include "complete" };
>     xkb_compat    { include "complete" };
>     xkb_symbols   {
>         // need a complete keymap, e.g. altgr-intl
>         include "pc+us(altgr-intl)+inet(evdev)"
>         // our own modifications
>         include "capslock(capsescape)"
>         include "modmap(menu)"
>     };
> };
> There are also several useful resources on you system where you can look
> at.
> Keymaps and modification maps can be found in /usr/share/X11/xkb.
> Look at symbols/capslock for a good start.
> Options, etc. can be found in the rules *.lst files.
> And finally here's another link I found useful:
> http://madduck.net/docs/extending-xkb/
> I hope this helped you,
> Jochen
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