[xmonad] Issue 433 in xmonad: Alternative Implementation of WorkspaceDir

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Jan 12 05:54:25 CET 2013

	Status: Patch
	Owner: vogt.a... at gmail.com

Comment #1 on issue 433 by vogt.a... at gmail.com: Alternative Implementation  
of WorkspaceDir

The "method to execute action that get the current directory as parameter  
to access the information" isn't as straightforward to implement as the one  
in Jan's patch. But it should be possible by doing something like the  
attached patch.

The "There is no need to modify any layouts with this version." is probably  
a good enough reason to replace the exsting WorkspaceDir with the  
ExtensibleState version. That'll make it harder to write a config that  
typechecks but doesn't do the right thing.

	l_workspacedir-function-to-run-actions-with-directory.dpatch  3.3 KB

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