[xmonad] Issue 429 in xmonad: X.A.DynamicWorkspaces command to delete specified tag

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Jan 3 20:23:46 CET 2013

	Status: Verified

Comment #3 on issue 429 by vogt.a... at gmail.com: X.A.DynamicWorkspaces  
command to delete specified tag

I've pushed your patch. I can't really speak for what is idiomatic, but I  
think it might be cleaner if DynamicWorkspaces had more definitions which  
are  (WindowSet -> WindowSet), and then you could define an unrestricted  
`removeWorkspaceByTag' in terms of the restricted one and other functions  
like XMonad.StackSet.view.

Maybe some people depend on removeWorkspaceByTag having that restriction,  
but I doubt people will complain.

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