[xmonad] Issue 273 in xmonad: Binding multiple keys to the same keysym fails for xmonad hotkeys

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Feb 24 13:21:35 CET 2013

Comment #4 on issue 273 by jorgepbl... at gmail.com: Binding multiple keys to  
the same keysym fails for xmonad hotkeys

Hey Daniel, I'm happy to report that patch works perfectly.

I spent days trying to figure this issue out. Ultimately Paul Fertser  
helped me out in the irc channel one day and we spent an excess of 6 hours  
trying to figure it out. Using ltrace and other tools, Paul eventually  
hypothesized it had something to do with the duplicate bindings because one  
of the keys I bound did work and it happened to have a keycode lower than  
the default-ly bound one, so I then spent a while longer trying to figure  
out how to 'erase' the default-bound keys in xkb (which I didn't even have  
on my keyboard) and indeed that allowed xmonad to pickup my bindings.

Then he found this issue here and told me to try the patch and report my  
findings. It does work.

The whole time I was confused as to why 1) one of the bindings did work and  
2) everything worked perfectly fine in awesome wm. I wonder how many other  
people have encountered this issue and ultimately given up.

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