[xmonad] Issue 200 in xmonad: xmonad spins in a tight loop changing focus back and forth

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Nov 10 20:13:05 CET 2012

Comment #16 on issue 200 by alex.hen... at gmail.com: xmonad spins in a tight  
loop changing focus back and forth

I can confirm like http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=200#c15  
that with xmonad 0.10 and libreoffice enabling emwh helps eliminate  
the floating dialog flicker loop in LibreOffice. I used to get a 10 - 15  
second loop, now it's just a flicker or two, and I can keep working.

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