[xmonad] Show *all* windows in a grid layout

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 21:11:32 CEST 2012

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Sepp Tannhuber <sepp.tannhuber at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using "goToSelected" from GridSelect to switch between windows. This
> arranges all window titles in a grid. And I can switch to the corresponding
> window very quickly. However I would prefer to arrange the windows itself
> (from all workspaces) rather than their titles in a grid layout and then
> select them in a similar way (with keys j,k,l,h). How can I do it? Is it
> possible to arrange all windows from all workspaces in a grid layout?
> Cheers Sepp

Hi Sepp,

It is possible: see the attached M.hs which you could drop into
~/.xmonad/lib/. The other file is a configuration which works with
M.hs. It should be possible to improve it such that:

- keep the same window focused when switching between the grid and the
normal workspace
- submap or similar so that you don't have to hold a modifier key to
do the L.WindowNavigation
- allow selecting subsets of all windows
- create the workspace / layout from a keybinding which will make the
set-up easier

Normally you'd use compositing for this kind of thing so that you
don't have to resize windows, but if your screen is large and you have
few windows you might be able to interact with them in a meaningful
way when they are all in the grid layout.

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