[xmonad] Issue 97 in xmonad: xmonad stops responding to keyboard input after running xscreensaver

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Wed Oct 12 22:16:55 CEST 2011

Comment #35 on issue 97 by s.g.mcat... at gmail.com: xmonad stops responding  
to keyboard input after running xscreensaver

I also had this issue and it turned out that I somehow had two copies of  
the xscreensaver daemon running at startup.

To check if this is the case in your configuration, open a terminal and  
$ ps aux | grep xscreensaver
You should get something like:
********  970  0.7  0.0  59528  2836 ?        S    07:06   0:00  
xscreensaver -nosplash
********  1050  0.0  0.0   9144  1060 pts/1    S+   07:06   0:00 grep  
--color=auto screen

The top line is the xscreensaver daemon and the second line is the command  
you entered above - this is what it *should* look like.  When I had two  
copies of xscreensaver running, i.e. the output looked like:
********  970  0.7  0.0  59528  2836 ?        S    07:06   0:00  
xscreensaver -nosplash
********  970  0.7  0.0  59528  2836 ?        S    07:06   0:00  
xscreensaver -nosplash
********  1050  0.0  0.0   9144  1060 pts/1    S+   07:06   0:00 grep  
--color=auto screen
I was suffering the described error.

Solution: check your startup scripts to make sure that xscreensaver daemon  
is only launched once.

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