[xmonad] prevent stalone tray from overlapping

Brendan Miller catphive at catphive.net
Sun Feb 6 19:22:22 CET 2011

I'm setting up xmonad for the first time. I've setup stalonetray to
hold nm-applet. I start both in my .xinitrc.

Right now stalonetray overlaps my other windows. Is there some way to
give trays a dedicated section at the top of the screen? I was reading
online that something called "struts hints" are supposed to do that.
Supposedly stalonetray supports these; however, it still ends up
overlapping. Do I need to do some xmonad configuration to get it to
recognize that stalone tray wants its own section of the screen?

Right now I'm mostly just using the default xmonad config.

The other issue I'm running into is that as I switch focus between
windows using mod-j mod-k, stalonetray also receives focus. I'd rather
focus skipped over stalonetray. Is there someway to tell xmonad to not
focus a particular window with mod-j and mod-k?


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